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twenty-three - "did you just say you love me?"

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twenty-three - "did you just say you love me?"

"Is that a giant lava monster or am I seeing things?" said Mira. Bruna facepalmed a bit.

"!" Hela screamed. Her eyes were wide with fear. The giant monster, Mira remembered his name as Sutur, roared and grew taller. He smashed buildings, including the palace, in a frenzy of fire. Hela was horrified.

"Go now," Mira nodded to Bruna. The Valkyrie grinned, lunged, and thrust her sword into Hela's chest. The goddess stumbled back in shock, then glared at the two. Mira noticed the giant escape spaceship continue its flight.

"How dare you," Hela hissed, pulling out the sword and throwing it to the ground. She swung towards Bruna, who ducked, but then was thrown back by Thor. He punched her, making her step back again, and helped Mira up.

Thor picked up the Dragonfang, stabbed it into the ground, and summoned lightning, causing large cracks in the bridge. Hela widened her eyes again.

She scrambled forwards, but the ground crumbled beneath her before she reached them. Mira heard her scream as she fell into the bedrock of Asgard. The Asian winced.

"Well I guess she's gone now," she commented. Thor nodded. The three looked up at Sutur, who was getting larger and swinging a giant, flaming sword.

"Tremble before me, Asgard!" he yelled. "For I am your reckoning!" Thor and Bruna watched in awe and horror as Sutur destroyed everything. Mira bit her lip, feeling bruises swelling all around her body.

"The people are safe, that's all that matters," Bruna said, slight reluctance in her voice.

"We're fulfilling the prophecy," replied Thor.

"Sucky prophecy if you ask me," Mira sighed.

"I hate it," Bruna nodded.

"Me too," Thor said. "But we have no choice." He paused. "Sutur destroyed Asgard, he destroys Hela, and our people live."

"We need to let him finish-" Bruna was cut off by a rushing wind. The three widened their eyes to see a flash of bulky green run towards Sutur.

"Hulk, no!" Mira said. Hulk ignored her, leaped off of a building, and right into Sutur's face. He started pounding the giant monster with ferocity, even though Sutur didn't seem to notice anything.

"Hulk!" Thor yelled, angrily. "Stop it, you big moron!" Hulk didn't stop and attempted to rip out one of Sutur's horns. Mira facepalmed.

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