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twelve - "mira is not that bad, mr

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twelve - "mira is not that bad, mr. loki"

Loki opened his eyes to see Mira's hair towards him. He realized that his arm was wrapped over her sleeping figure. He widened his eyes and quickly pulled his hand back.

"What am I doing?!" he whispered furiously at himself. He shook his head and quietly sat up, slipping out of the bed. He magically made clothes appear on his body and walked out of the room, stretching his legs.

Loki heard Mira stir in her sleep and mumble something about David. He grimaced. He and Mira had spent most of the night on the balcony, talking and listening to each other. Well, it was mostly her talking. After hearing about her past with the man, he had felt, strangely, empathy. Loki knew what it was like to be neglected, to be left behind because of difference, because of uniqueness. How David could leave his family did not baffle Loki, but how humans could be so malicious and petty did surprise him.

Loki started to explore around the hallways, something he actually half enjoyed. He was starting to get close to the arena sitting area when he ran into a figure.

"Oh my-" Cora yelped, falling on the ground. Loki rubbed his elbow as he lay on the ground. Cora got up and gasped a little when she saw the god. "Mr. Lucky! Are you ok?!"

"It's Loki," Loki corrected with a sigh. He got up and dusted himself off. "And I'm fine. Hello, Cora." She blushed and bowed slightly.

"W-what are you doing outside of your room, sir?" she stammered.

"I was just walking around," said Loki, shrugging. "Mira is asleep."

"I know," Cora nodded. "She sleeps in very late."

"Humans enjoy their sleep," commented Loki. Cora laughed.

"Is that what you call her?" she asked. The green clad man looked at her.

"You've never met a human, have you?" he replied. She tilted her head.

"I've met Mira, and I think that's good enough for me," Cora said. Loki smiled a little bit.

"Where are you going, Cora?" Loki said. The redhead picked up a simple basket from the ground and hung it on her arm.

"The city. For more food because Mira says it is her favourite," Cora smiled. "Would um would you like to join?" Loki frowned but then changed his mind and nodded.

"Why not?"

A few minutes later, the pair was strolling around the bustling central city in Sakaar. It was mostly spent with minimal talking, something Loki liked. Cora was also occupied with many vendors in various alien languages to get food and supplies for Mira and the Grandmaster. Loki observed how she collected different cloth which he knew she stored magically to make elaborate outfits. He also noticed even though she was quite respected in the community, she always stayed humble and kind to the citizens unlike other Ladies he had met.

Superheroes {Loki Laufeyson - Ragnarok}Where stories live. Discover now