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bonus - " you two are like

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bonus - " you two are like...a couple?!"

"I'm sorry, but let me get this right: you two are like...a couple?! Like for serious?" Clint said, narrowing his eyes at the two in front of him. Mira nodded, feeling Loki's arm tighten around her.

"I told you this was a bad idea," he muttered into her ear. She held back her laugh and stroked his back. The clothes he wore were soft (a suit created by Cora for the special occasion), and it made her want to cuddle but unfortunately, now was not the time.

"Yep, we're a couple," she said, nodding at the archer.

"I...but...what" Tony stammered. He did that only on the rare occasions where he was thoroughly confused.

It was a sunny, New York summer day, and Mira had decided to announce to the Avengers about her and Loki. She knew there would be mixed reactions, but after being back to Earth for more than two weeks, she couldn't keep it in. The couple had hidden their relationship by staying in her apartment in the city, where Mira reconnected with her superhero friends and Loki watched over Kaleb.

The only person (other than Thor and Bruce) who knew about Loki being back on Earth was Stephen Strange and that had been an encounter in itself (of course, he was extremely shocked but also happy because Mira seemed to be the most happy he had ever seen her - plus, a happy Mira equaled less burnt curtains and more hugs). Thor and Bruce lived back in the new Avengers building, and she had visited a few times during the 14 days but this was the first time she had brought Loki.

"Congrats, hope you two are happy," Steve smiled. Mira grinned back. She had predicted that he would be supportive. Thor owed her ten bucks. She saw him groaning from across the room. Sucker, she sang in her mind.

"I don't get why you're so confused, Stark," Mira said, turning back to the two most baffled Avengers who had been her closest friends before the whole superheros-and-David ordeal. He gave her a look, taking off his sunglasses and tucking them into his jacket pocket.

"Well," Natasha cut in, "some of us are just a bit confused because like he tried to kill all of us and take over the world and stuff. Multiple times. He fits the definition of an arch nemesis, Mira." She glanced at the god. "No offense, Loki."

"None taken," he replied smoothly.

"Ok, but I promise he won't," said Mira. She unwrapped his arm from her waist and put her hands on her hips. "This kinda feels like you guys are my parents and you don't approve of my high school boyfriend or something."

"I wonder why," Clint said sarcastically.

"And we really don't approve," Stark rolled his eyes. Loki gave a small shrug.

"Guys, guys, at first, I thought it was weird too," Bruce commented from the couch. They all turned to him. "But they're actually a good match from what I've seen. Their personalities and powers work well together."

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