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nine - "i love you, and that won't ever change"

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nine - "i love you, and that won't ever change"

January 19, 1998

Mira doubled over in laughter. She almost fell out of her seat and onto the ground of the small restaurant as David grinned at her. Some people looked worridley at her, but she couldn't stop herself.

"So that was a good story?" he asked, still grinning. Mira nodded, wiping some tears from her eyes. The two students from NYU were studying for their chemistry exam. Chem sucked, but once Mira had met David, the class seemed to be a bit more fun. Ok, a lot more actually. The two hit it off from the first day they started working on a project, about three weeks before. After that, they kept studying together and hanging out. Mira didn't have too many friends, but David always seemed to brighten her day. It was a weird feeling.

David Mark was a spunky guy full of bad jokes and outrageous stories from his life in Pennsylvania. With his charming chocolate eyes and brown hair, he was a huge social person and loved to drag Mira along with him to college gatherings and such. She sometimes wondered why he always seemed to want to talk to her but then just internally said that it was because she was good at chemistry. But, to be honest, she wasn't that good at chemistry. School was too boring for the hyper and spit fire Asian girl.

"Yeah! You always have the best ones!" she exclaimed. She rubbed her eyes once more and then massaged her cheeks. "Ow, my face hurts from smiling." David laughed.

"You're cute." They both looked up quickly. "Oh-I'm-I mean...not in-wait I can explain-" Mira put a hand on his and smiled.

"You're cute too." 

May 12, 2000

Mira grinned, her head in David's lap. He was leaning on a tree, and she had been reading the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling aloud. The two were picnicking in Central Park as a sort of summer hangout. David looked down and grinned back.

They had spent the past few months getting to know each other, aka going on little dates in the park and in the library to "study" (it was more like procrastinating). Now that it was summer, Mira was more than happy to spend her time with the man whom she had grown closer and closer to. They weren't officially dating yet, but all of their friends teased them relentlessly.

"Hey!" he said, ruffling her hair. She made a face. "Don't stop reading! We're at the best part!"

"You call this the best part?" she scoffed. "C'mon, we all know the dragon part is the best part."

"Keep reading, you nerd," David laughed.

"You're the nerd here," Mira pointed out. He shrugged.

"Star Wars is amazing, ok?" said David, putting his hands up in defense. She shook her head.

"And you make fun of me for being a Potterhead."

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