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fourteen - "he's my brother! wait

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fourteen - "he's my brother! wait...mira, why are you here too?!"

"And so I went towards the giant..." Loki droned on. Mira rolled her eyes at his dull story that the Sakaarians surprisingly adored.

"Could you be any more boring?" she muttered. He stopped mid-sentence to give her a look. She smiled sweetly, and he continued. The aliens around them giggled. They were mostly Ladies and other "females." Loki was very popular with them. It annoyed Mira.

The pair was at another one of the Grandmaster's parties. It had been a few days since the last one, and Mira noticed Loki acting more strangely. The situation confused her - he would be genuinely nice, then he would become distant and ignore her for a whole afternoon. Thankfully, it was a day where he was forced to spend time with her. It got lonely without his quick wit. Mira wondered what had happened after that party. She could barely remember the end of it, probably because of the drinks. Loki denied anything happening, but she could feel he was lying. But maybe he wasn't lying and she was just being paranoid.

Mira looked around the heavily decorated room. There were aliens all around them: guests chatting, Ladies carrying drinks and food, and musicians somewhere playing upbeat music. The Grandmaster had gone to another room for something, so she had no idea where he was. Cora stood in the back as usual, sometimes running off to refill drinks.

"I wish something interesting would happen," Mira whispered to herself. She picked at the fabric of her dress.

Suddenly, a new instrument was added to the alien music and she knew that the Grandmaster had entered the room to DJ. Mira honestly was getting a bit annoyed at his music, which all sounded the same. The guests and guards in the room began to dance to the music. She rolled her eyes.

"There was a wormhole in space and time beneath me," Loki bragged. The people around them got closer in excitement. "At that moment, I let go." They all laughed, while Mira rolled her eyes again. She looked up as he continued and saw a bulky chair in front of the Grandmaster. She wondered who was in it. The person turned towards her and...

"Holy shit!" she almost screamed. Loki look at her.

"Mira...what happened?" he whispered furiously.

"Oh my god! Holy-oh my-what the-" she stammered.

"Loki?!" Thor yelled in shock. "Loki! Mira! Over here!" Loki's eyes widened. The Sakaarians around them looked confused.

"Excuse me on second," said Loki, politely. He quickly walked towards the chair, where Thor was strapped down to. Mira bunched up her skirt in her arms and ran after him.

"Loki!" Thor said happily.

"Shh!" Loki said in the opposite tone. Mira peered over his shoulder at the blonde. She saw that his wrists were locked to the arms of the chair with large, metal cuffs. He also had a strange silver disk on the side of his neck. She wondered what it was. Loki looked at Thor with half repulsion and half shock. "You're alive?!"

Superheroes {Loki Laufeyson - Ragnarok}Where stories live. Discover now