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twenty-one - "for narni-i mean, for asgard!"

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twenty-one - "for narni-i mean, for asgard!"

Mira was startled awake by Cora shaking her.

"Mira, Mira, look where we are!" she said with excitement. Mira groggily opened her eyes.

"All I see are stars," she mumbled. She rubbed her eyes more and looked out of the window, same as Bruce. Thor and Bruna woke up also.

"Is that what I think it is..." Cora's eyes grew wide towards the front. Mira remembered how Cora had never been outside of Sakaar. The Asian looked at the front window and gasped slightly.

"I never thought I'd be back here," Bruna said softly.

In front of them was a beautiful, huge city. The golden area was on a big floating island in space. Mira was amazed. She never even imagined to get to travel out of the US, much less to the fabled city of Asgard. The ship descended into the clouds, and Mira was very excited to see the rest of the royal buildings.

But then she saw the smoke.

"I thought it'd be nicer," Bruce said, also looking out of the window. "I mean, not that it's not nice. It's's on fire."

The whole of Asgard was in flames. There seemed to be no people, and most of the residential buildings were crushed. Mira also saw piles of dead bodies.

"Hela is brutal," she murmured. The rest of them were silent in shock. Bruna pulled up a holographic map of Asgard.

"Here, up in the mountains," she said. She zoomed into some mountains, and they saw a group of red dots. "Heat signatures. People clustered together. Hela's coming for them."

"Ok," Thor said, thinking. "Drop me off at the palace, and I'll draw her away." They all stared at him.

"And get yourself killed?" Bruna raised an eyebrow.

"The people trapped down there are all that matters. While I'm dealing with Hela, I need you four to help get everyone off Asgard," explained the blonde.

"How the hell are we supposed to do that?" Bruce exclaimed.

"I have a man on the ground," Thor smiled. Mira facepalmed.

"How cinematic, Thor. You could be in a movie or something," she said sarcastically. "Ok now we need actual weapons on this plane. Because..." She looked at the rugs. "Ew."

A couple minutes later, Cora was in while Thor and Bruna hefted a massive Asgardian gun onto part of the side of the plane. Bruce paced while Mira sat next to Cora. They had landed the Commodore in a plaza near the palace, and Thor and Bruna had gotten some weapons from a nearby armoury.

"When did you learn how to fight?" she asked. Cora looked at her and shrugged.

"Bruna taught me a few moves on Sakaar once," she said. Mira laughed.

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