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three - "everyone has quirks. i like to explode things. you?"

Thor looked exhilarated to see his father while Loki seemed to show no emotion. But they both practically ran over to the elderly man. Odin, dressed in a worn beige blazer and black pants, continued to stare out into the ocean, glancing slightly at the seagulls who flew above. Mira decided to stay a little behind. She felt out of place being alone with the three powerful Asgardian gods. A small draft blew through, and she pulled the grey sleeves of her sweater over her hands.

"Look at this place," Odin murmured as his sons reached his sides. Thor furrowed his eyebrows.

"Father, it's us," he said, sounding worried.

"My sons. I've been waiting for you." Odin continued to look beyond the cliff.

"I know," Thor said gladly. "We've come to take you home." Loki slid his hands into his pockets.

"Home. Yes." He paused as if listening. "Your mother, she calls me. Do you hear that?" Mira tried to listen for a voice along with the two other gods. They all heard nothing except the gentle washing of the waves.

"Loki, lift your magic!" said Thor. He looked at his brother expectantly. Loki shook his head, and Odin chuckled quietly.

"Took me quite a while to break from your spell. Frigga would've been proud." He paused. "Come sit with me; I don't have much time." Odin walked over to a nearby rock and sat down with a sigh. Loki and Thor exchanged glances one more time and followed him. Mira continued to watch from behind.

"I know I've failed you," said Thor. "But we can make this right!" Odin shook his head.

"I failed you. 'Tis upon us...Ragnarok." The brothers raised their eyebrows. What's Ragnarok? thought Mira. Isn't that like a doomsday or something?

"No," Thor denied. "I stopped Ragnarok! I put an end to Surtur!" Odin shook his head again.

"No. It's already begun. She is coming. My life has held her back, but my time has come. I cannot keep her away any longer." Thor and Loki exchanged glances, and Mira tilted her head to the side.

"Who?" asked Thor. Odin sighed.

"The goddess of death...Hela. My firstborn." He looked at his sons. "Your sister." The brothers widened their eyes, and Mira guessed that this was all a surprise to them. Odin looked at the soft blue sky slightly. "She was a goddess who whose violence adapted beyond my control. I couldn't stop her, so I imprisoned her. Locked her away. She draws her power from Asgard. Once she gets there her powers will be," he paused, "limitless." Loki took a sharp breath.

"W-whatever she is, we can stop her!" Thor said. His tone betrayed his confident words. "We can defeat her! Together!" He looked at his father as if he were a little boy again. Mira knew the look; Kaleb had it every time he asked her to play action figures with him.

Superheroes {Loki Laufeyson - Ragnarok}Where stories live. Discover now