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sixteen - "your eyes were all glowy!"

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sixteen - "your eyes were all glowy!"

Mira winced as Hulk smashed Thor into the ground face-first. She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Thor suddenly looked frustrated, picked up his weapon, and clashed with the green man. The Sakaarians cheered, then they became confused. Mira looked up at the window, and her eyes widened to see the blonde winning! As much as she hated it, she became a bit excited to see him victorious. She saw him use Hulk's anger against him, tripping him or throwing him down. He seemed to also be saying things to Hulk, something about "you're embarrassing me!"

"Your ego is as big as your arms," she murmured to herself. Loki almost rolled his eyes.

Hulk roared and punched Thor, sending him sprawling across the arena. He proceeded to land on the blonde god and continuously punch his face. Thor's head snapped left and right as Hulk pummeled him with jabs. Mira almost couldn't watch.

All of a sudden, Thor's eyes became glowing white. Mira tilted her head in confusion. Almost like robot, Thor straightened up and punched Hulk backwards with a burst of electricity. Mira and Loki both widened their eyes in shock (pun not intended). Thor was now surging with lightning - it crawled all over his skin and armour. He swung his arm and blasted Hulk again with electricity. Now, Hulk was on the floor. The stadium was silent for a minute, then the crowds began to chant.

"Thunder! Thunder!" they shouted. Mira looked over at Loki, who was just as surprised as she was.

"Did you know he could do that?" she whispered. He shook his head.

"I didn't even know he could survive without his annoying hammer," he whispered back. She facepalmed. Mira turned to see the Grandmaster with a very frustrated expression.

In the window, she saw Hulk and Thor boxing closely. Thor was very clearly winning. But then he dropped like a sack of potatoes. He looked like he had been...shocked?

"What the hell?!" Mira shouted. Thor was not one to back out of a fight or faint. She almost jumped out of her seat, but Loki held her down. He subtly pointed at the Grandmaster. Mira looked at the older man and almost gasped when she saw a small device in his hand. It was obviously that he had sabotaged the god so that his beloved grand champion could win. Her blood boiled. The Grandmaster gave her an innocent smile.

"Is something wrong, Miss Goddess?"

"You little-"

"Mira!" Loki cut her off. "I think this match is over. Thank goodness I bet on the grand champion!" The other guests laughed along with him. Mira felt her hands sparking in anger. "Alright, we will be heading to our room now. Thank you for such an invigorating evening!" Loki waved at the Grandmaster while half dragging Mira out of the room.

Loki let Mira fume in silence for a couple minutes, him lounging on the bed and her walking in circles around the room with her hands on fire. He found it amusing to see her so mad and also on fire. She did not seem to notice the flames that much.

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