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fifteen - "i need to get off this planet

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fifteen - "i need to get off this planet..."

Mira barely got any sleep that night. It was almost like the night Loki had arrived on Sakaar - she was stressed, tired, and worried for the god (this time it was Thor). When Cora came into the room, she found Mira already awake and pacing near the window.

"Are you ok, Mira?" she asked, making the bed.

"Sorta," said Mira. She twisted her hair, then untwisted it, then twisted it again.

"Who is that man that you and Loki saw?" Cora said, fluffing a pillow.

"A friend," Mira replied with a small smile.

"One of those Avenger people?"

"Yep," Mira nodded. "We used to work with each other all the time."

"You miss him," Cora said. Mira sighed and nodded again.

"Yeah, I hadn't seen him in like years. He showed up in New York a few days ago, then I sort of kidnapped him and Loki, and stuff happened and then I showed up here."

"He's a god, isn't he?" Cora widened her eyes.

"A real one, yes," Mira gave a small laugh.

"I heard that he said that Mr. Loki was his brother," Cora said, sitting on the bed. "Is that true?"

"Loki is adopted. It's a complicated family," explained Mira. "They also have a sister, who we all just met. She's crazy and kinda looks emo, but like it looks good on her."

"She sounds interesting," Cora said.

"Hey, Cora," Mira turned to the Lady, "could I get someone out if they're a contender or whatever?" Cora shook her head.

"Sorry but no. Those are the only people you aren't allowed to help. The Grandmaster doesn't like to call them 'slaves,' but they don't get any pay. They are mostly aliens from other worlds."

"Could you get anyone out?" Mira said. Cora thought for a second but shook her head one more time.

"No. I'm not usually allowed to go in there either." Cora bit her lip. "There is one person though..."

"Who?" Mira said almost frantic. She ran over to sit next to Cora.

"Bruna," Cora replied hesitantly. "Although she probably won't help. I heard that the newest contender was her catch, which means she got paid a lot. Especially since the Grandmaster seems to like him."

"Well he's going to fight the grand champion!" Mira threw up her hands. "And that's Bruce! I gotta warn him!"

"Mira, Mira, calm down please," Cora said rubbing the edge of the blanket nervously. "I can talk to Bruna, but I overhead that the fight will be soon."

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