Chapter 1

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Lorelei turned her head to face her daughter.

"As in...?" She asked.

Rory glanced anxiously at her mother. She had hoped to be able to blurt the information out and never have to utter another word. She bit her lip and said nothing.

"Rory," Lorelei said sharply, waiting for her daughter to elaborate. She felt the sting on her tongue to yell. She had to remember that her daughter was not 16. This was not something to hide from the neighbors and rearrange college plans for. She swallowed a sigh. "How far along are you?"

"About 7 weeks," Rory said to the concrete.

"Have you told him?" Lorelei asked. She knotted her hands and stared out of the gazebo towards the road. People were milling about, excited that two long-time residents of the town finally tied the knot. They didn't know what was happening just twenty feet away. Lorelei had always hoped that her daughter would have what she didn't. They fit each other in the most complicated and beautiful way. Lorelei did not want Rory to be a piece of her puzzle- her edges fitting where Lorelei's did not- and vice versa. Lorelei wanted her to have it all- to be her own puzzle. Solved and displayed for everyone to admire the handiwork of those that put her together. She had the education, but Rory did not have a fulfilling career or a loving and supportive relationship. Lorelei felt her heart breaking.

"Told who?" Rory asked suddenly. Her blue eyes brimmed with tears that did not spill over.

"Logan." Lorelei sighed.

"Mom?" Rory asked. Lorelei looked at her daughter. It was like she was 15 again. Something in her voice sounded lost.

"Yes, Rory?" Lorelei waited, afraid of what was coming next.

"I am not sure that the baby is his."

Lorelei pushed her hair back from her forehead  and stood up. "We need to get ready for the rest of the day. I will meet you back here this afternoon after the wedding and we can discuss this then. I can't handle this right now."

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