Chapter 30

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Odette stepped closer to Rory, placing a hand on her shoulder. Rory recoiled from her touch, stepping backward as her heart began to race. As she stepped back, she ran into the door frame of the closet, hitting the back of her head with a definitive thump.

"Hey!" Logan called out, striding across the room and stepping between them. Odette rubbed her fingers together and smiled past him at Rory, the hank of her ponytail swinging from one side to the other as she cocked her head to one side.

"I am so sorry Rory," she said sweetly, her eyes alight with a glint of mischief, "I wasn't trying to scare you. I was just trying to comfort you while we come up with a solution." She raised her eyebrows, looking innocently at Logan.

Logan narrowed his eyes at Odette, stepping back to Rory to place his arm around her shoulder. "Rory? Are you okay?" he asked, running his hand tenderly across the back of her head where she had hit it against the doorframe. Rory nodded, her arms still drawn tightly around herself. Instinctively, she put her arms across her pregnant stomach and held on with a vice grip, feeling desperately uncomfortable. "I am pregnant," Rory said quietly.

Odette looked at her, her expression unreadable. "What?" she asked, running the tip of her manicured fingernail across her jawline and arching one eyebrow.

Rory coughed. "Earlier," she began, her voice came out steadier and louder than what she had been expecting. She coughed again. "Earlier, you said that Logan told you I was pregnant. I am pregnant."

Odette let out a dry laugh.

"Odette..." Logan warned.

Odette put her hands up as if to signal a truce. "I'm sorry," she said, "I thought that we were past the whole issue of establishing your status as an unwed mother."

Logan sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Look, Odette. We have already 'figured out a solution.' I ended our relationship. That is the solution. And this is not a problem that has to be fixed. This is a great thing."

Rory felt her heart soar and her cheeks color with excitement at this formal recognition of their relationship.

Odette rolled her eyes. "Oh. So your getting your maîtresse pregnant is a 'good thing,' is it? How nice. What a wonderful foundation for a relationship."

"Come on, Odette. I care about you, I do. We just aren't right for each other. If this is the push that Rory and I needed to end up together than it was meant to be."

"I have had just about enough of this putain," Odette spat, stepping towards Logan, her eyes glinting dangerously as they narrowed. "She thinks that she can walk into my life and have all of the things that are supposed to be mine. Stay in my apartment like it is her own, whenever she decides to fly internationally solely for the purposes of sleeping with my fiance. The two of you disgust me. If I could kill the both of you, I would."

Logan stepped quickly forward, grabbing both of Odette's shoulders and stooping slightly to place his eyes levelly with hers. "Odette, listen to yourself. This isn't you," he said gently. Odette looked into his eyes, her own eyes welling with tears. She blinked them away and said nothing. "I think you should go," Logan urged.

Odette smiled strangely at him, again tipping her head to one side. "You're right, I should go. It seems like I may be making you late for your next meeting," she said softly, her voice saccharine and her eyes wide and bright like the Cheshire Cat.

Logan let go of her shoulders and stepped back quickly, studying Odette's face.

Odette pulled at the hem of her shirt, smoothing it over her waistband. She stepped back towards Logan, grabbing his wrist. "I hope you have a great rest of your day," she said softly. She looked past Logan at Rory and smiled widely. "Bye, Rory."

Rory felt a shiver down her spine as Odette left the room. Odette wagged her fingers at them as she breezed through the doorway. Logan seemed to be feeling the same way, as he looked extremely unsettled and agitated. Rory sidled up to him, sliding her arms around his waist. She buried her forehead into his chest, trying to breathe in his scent to settle herself.

"Logan!" Barked a voice from the doorway. Logan stepped in front of Rory, startled. A man strode in, smoothing his suit. Rory watched Logan stiffen and stepped from behind him to find herself face to face with Mitchum Huntzberger.

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