Chapter 32

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They left his office promptly following the disastrous meeting with Mitchum. Rory had sobbed in the taxi all the way back to the hotel. Logan tucked her into bed with a large bottle of water and a pastry on the nightstand. She was asleep before he even finished washing the sheen of sweat from his face in the bathroom, so he left her there to return to his apartment and sulk without disturbing her.
After arriving home, he poured himself a glass of neat brandy, which he did not typically enjoy. It was open and it was there, so it would have to do. He removed his shirt, tie, and slacks and sprawled on his couch in his undershirt and underwear, tilting his head up towards the ceiling in an attempt to catch a breeze from the fan above.
Just as he was settled in for a good and angry sulk, the door to his apartment flew open. Logan jumped up, spilling brandy all over himself. Finn stood in the doorway with his arms above his head, wiggling his fingers.
"Jesus Christ, Finn." Logan sighed, staring down at his soiled clothes.
Finn made his way into the living room, closing the door behind him. Seeing the giant spot of brandy on Logan's shirt and underwear, he smirked. "Made a mess in our trousers, have we? I was hoping I could still get you excited, with us being together so long and all." Finn teased. He flopped down on the couch and stared at Logan. "You should really clean yourself up when you have company, mate."
Logan rolled his eyes, pulling his shirt up and over his head and throwing it at Finn.
"Maybe you shouldn't break into my apartment. I'm in my underwear for God's sake," Logan muttered, striding into his room in search of a clean shirt.
"It's hardly breaking in if the door is unlocked. And the Lord certainly knows that I have seen my father in much worse than his own underwear so no hard feelings there," Finn said easily, pulling a magazine off of the coffee table. He picked up the shirt from his lap and was about to toss it on to the floor before sniffing it. Logan came walking back in, wearing a pair of jeans and holding a clean shirt.
"Is this brandy I smell?" Finn asked.
Logan nodded, unfolding the shirt and looking for its tag so he could put it on correctly.
Finn gazed at him, flipping the magazine pages without looking at them. "Ah, Brandy. The nectar of senior citizens everywhere," he mused. "How are you still so trim? Have our years of hard partying not come knocking yet?"

Logan rolled his eyes at him, pulling on his shirt. "I never partied quite as hard as you, Finn. Besides, some of us have to work."

Finn leaned back on the couch, waving his magazine in the air. "I cannot help that my family is rich beyond belief, my friend. It's quite difficult, really, to find ways to fill your days."

"So why did you buy an apartment here?" Logan asked, sitting down on the couch next to him. 

"A flat, mate. You have lived here for how long and you still cannot quite pin down the vernacular, can you? Well! The short answer is that I felt like leaving Australia and did not want to be a Kiwi, though I have heard it is quite nice this time of year. So, my portfolio manager suggested I try the old London out for a bit."

"Your portfolio manager?" Logan asked, finding it difficult to suppress a grin.

"Yes! My stocks man! I have more money than what I know what to do with, so I have people that invest portions of my vast wealth into little account things that make more money. It is quite lovely, really. They're like little money expanders running about, making me money while I watch the telly. You know, you are really being quite rude by not offering me a beer or some of that sodding brandy that you were enjoying before you spilled it all over yourself."

"I see you have some of the vernacular nailed down, Finn. Would you like a brandy?" Logan asked, standing up to pour him a drink.

"I thought you would never ask," Finn replied.

After pouring him a brandy, Logan settled back into the couch.

"So, what is going on in your life? You look depressed," Finn noted, taking a large glug from his glass.

Logan sighed, leaning back. "Well, Rory is pregnant."

Finn gasped. "Bloody hell. You bloody wanker. You've been sitting over there for ten minutes and you forgot to tell me that Rory is pregnant? Who is the lucky guy?"

Logan rubbed the crease in his forehead with his thumb.

"Bugger. It's you?" Finn asked.

Logan shrugged. "Apparently she said it may not be, but I think it is."

Finn nodded in understanding, draining the rest of his brandy. "Why do you think it is?" he asked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"We weren't being the most careful," Logan replied.

"Well! What did your betrothed say when she found out you were rooting around with our Gilmore?" Finn asked, crossing his legs. 

"Oh, God. Odette and are history."

Finn nodded, standing up to pour himself another brandy. "I am fetching you one as well, mate. You look like hell." He came back, handing him a glass. "So it is over with the pretty French gal, huh?" he wiggled his eyebrows.

Logan chose to ignore this particular comment. "She showed up to my office today, actually. While Rory was there. Her and my father."

Finn's eyes widened and he sat his glass down on the coffee table. "So she just shows up to spit the dummy, or what?"

Logan raised an eyebrow. "To do what?"

Finn took another sip, waving his hand at Logan to continue. "To yell at you," he clarified, "I always come back from the summers in Australia increasingly difficult to understand. Go on."

"Oh, well yeah. She comes in, Rory is there. She yells at us, asking me what I am going to do about the problem of Rory being pregnant, says we can still get married."

Finn nodded. "That is quite an understanding girl, that one. You should still marry her. Now at least you know you can sleep with other women and get away with it. What a time to be alive!"

Logan glared at him. "I don't want to marry her."

Finn sighed wistfully. "Why wouldn't you? Anyway, so Rory is up the duff, Odette is a raving bitch. What was Mitchum doing there, the old arse?"

"Telling me that he is disappointed in me," Logan replied, raising his glass to Finn. Finn clinked his glass against Logan's and they both drained their drinks.

"Well, that is nothing new. He has been disappointed in you since you were born, so I would not stress too much about that. So what are you going to do about Rory?"

Logan sighed as he considered his response.

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