Chapter 7

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As their lips met, Rory was catapulted back to a simpler time in her life. Kissing Jess had once been the most thrilling thing that had ever happened to her. 

And yet, it still was in the top ten. 

Jess was warm, familiar, and different all at once. As she settled into the kiss, Jess ran his hand down from her hair to the small of her back. As he pulled her closer, he groaned. He broke away, gathering the back of her shirt into his hand. He twisted the fabric in his hands, the edge of his fingers grazing the skin of her back. He looked intently into Rory's eyes and stepped away from her.

"I definitely do," he sighed. Sadness flashed in his eyes.

Rory tugged at her collar and wrapped her arms around herself protectively.  Biting her lip, she examined Jess. "Jess..." she said, faltering.

"Please don't, Rory." He stepped back towards her, enveloping her in an embrace. He pressed his face against the top of her head. 

Rory uncrossed her arms and slid them around his waist. She kissed him again, choosing to bite back the words she needed to say. They could have the perfect moment, even if Rory knew it wouldn't last forever.

Jess seemed to understand the fleeting nature of the moment. Every kiss and touch was tinged with a sense of urgency. 

Rory knew how much she had hurt Jess, but he seemed so willing to forget how much he had hurt her over the course of their relationship. He had changed so much in the years Rory had been in pursuit of her own self-worth. Even so, Rory did not know if he deserved another chance. She felt as if she had nothing left to give Jess, even if it was a new and improved version. The ache of losing a future with Logan stung in her throat. 

Jess broke away again, touching his forehead to hers. "You don't have to love me back, Rory. I know how much I have hurt you. I intend to spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Maybe then, you will."

Rory looked into his eyes. Logan had hurt her too. He had strung her along across continents, for God's sake. He was going to marry someone else. Here was Jess, standing in front of her, all but begging for her affection, willing to give her everything that he had to offer. What did she have with Logan? The occasional weekend when his wife was out of town? Secret dinners in dark corners of cities that Odette did not visit? Rory felt the anger at Logan bubbling in her stomach. She deserved so much more. Why couldn't she seize this opportunity? She had every chance to do this over. Maybe she was never meant to be with Logan. Maybe she was meant for Jess, and this was the sign she needed to point herself home.

 She kissed Jess, pressing her body to his and tugging at his shirt. 

"Are you sure?" He asked thickly, his mouth at her ear.

"I'm sure."

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