Chapter 36

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"Well, well, well. If it isn't the prodigal daughter returning," Lorelei said, wrapping her arms around Rory.
"I could've taken a cab, Mom," Rory spoke quietly into Lorelei's sweater.
"And miss an opportunity to be scolded by your mother? Why ever would you want to do that?" Lorelei laughed.
Rory stepped away from her mom, raising her hands in front of her with her palms out. "Scold away," she offered resignedly, "I deserve it."
Lorelei nodded, taking a deep breath. She surveyed Rory. She looked thin and exhausted, her tiny baby bump hidden by an oversized white sweater and leggings. There was a sheen of sweat glossing her face and she looked slightly green. Swallowing her disdain for Rory visiting Logan, Lorelei's eyes jumped back to the sweater.
"Lorelei Gilmore. Is that the white sweater you were wearing in high school to drown that girlish figure?" Lorelei asked, grinning.
Rory looked shocked. "Mom!" She exclaimed, "I was never trying to 'drown' anything! I liked to be comfortable."
Lorelei rolled her eyes. "Comfortable schmomtorable. What you need is a nice power suit. Every woman needs a good power suit."
Rory shook her head. "I have a power suit! Well, it has a skirt. Is it still a power suit with a skirt?" Rory mused.
"Of course! The men can't have the power suit too! Power suit equality for all. Do you want to go eat something before we go back to Stars Hollow?" Lorelei wiggled her eyebrows.
"Ugh, yes. I threw up twice on the plane but strangely, I am starving," Rory remarked, starting to make her way towards baggage claim, "I'm really having a craving, though."
Lorelei fake-laughed. "You're pregnant? I had no idea! You're still so thin."
Rory rolled her eyes as they reached baggage claim. Watching the conveyer belt was making her feel strangely seasick. "Whatever. You were thin after you had me."
Lorelei mimed stabbing a knife into her heart.
Rory looked at her, completely nonplussed. "I'm sorry," she said, raising an eyebrow in confusion, "I didn't know that being thin and fashion-forward were negative things."
Lorelei nodded. "Well, that is true. But I was basically an infant when I had you. If I had been thirty-something and pregnant I would have been a blimp! A blimp I tell you!" Lorelei exclaimed rather loudly. Two men who had been sitting in first class with Rory glanced at her huffily from across the conveyer belt.
Lorelei began making suggestive faces at them, wiggling her eyebrows again. The men looked slightly horrified and looked away.
"Mom," Rory hissed, "Can you stop? They're going to think you're a nut."
Lorelei nodded, a serious look on her face. "Rory," she said sternly, placing her hands on Rory's shoulders and looking deeply into her eyes, "I am a nut."
Rory shook her off, shaking her head and trying to suppress a grin. Her bag came whirling out of the flaps, making its way down the conveyer belt towards her. She reached for it, but Lorelei snatched it first.
"I can't believe you would be embarrassed by me trying to express my love for my own daughter in public. What you should be embarrassed about is this God-awful bag. You look like some kind of off-Broadway Mary Poppins," Lorelei said, examining the bag, "why did you even check this? You could've carried on and we could've been already chowing down on a burger right about now," she added wistfully, gazing off for dramatic effect.
Rory snatched the bag back. "Look, the lady offered to check it, and it was free, so...I just wanted to sleep on the plane."
"Sleep is crucial. So...a burger? Onwards!" Lorelei said, raising her fist. The men looked at her again.
"Mom, you're going to kill me, but..."
Lorelei snapped her head around to look at her. "Well," she said, beginning to count on her fingers, "We have the unplanned pregnancy already, leaving the country without telling me..."
"I texted you!" Rory interjected.
"Leaving the country without telling me," Lorelei repeated, ignoring her, "Daddy issues for the baby, you definitely stole my black sweater before you left..."
Rory rolled her eyes. "I stole that sweater months ago. That should be a sign that you don't like the black sweater enough to wear it more often."
Lorelei laughed. "My black sweater with the silver buttons? I wore that last week!"
Rory made a guilty face. "Oh, right. I did steal that black sweater."
"Wait, what other black sweater do you have? Rory Gilmore! Return my clothes this instant!" She exclaimed. "Did you like my parent voice just then? Pretty good, huh?" she added.
"Flawless. You'll be asked to play the lead on Brady Bunch anytime now."
"Alright Marcia, let's go get a burger."
"Mom! That's what I wanted to tell you. I kind of want a salad," Rory said tentatively.
Lorelei gagged. "A salad? Who raised you?"
They both laughed.
"Why don't we go to that Chop place?" Lorelei asked.
Rory shook her head. "No, I'm going there with Paris tomorrow. Why don't we go to Ruth's. They have salads and burgers," she offered.
Lorelei put her hands up in a hallelujah gesture. "Finally!" She exclaimed, as they made their way out of the airport. She turned her head towards Rory again. "Two salads in two days? Blech."
Rory smiled, saying nothing.
"It's good to have you home, kid. And littlest kid," she added, touching Rory's stomach with her index finger.
Rory felt the prick of a tear jump to her the corner of her eye. It was good to be home.

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