Chapter 43

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Rory dug her nails slightly into the crook of her other arm. She waited for some sort of relief to wash over her, some sense of impending doom- but it was like Paris had not said anything at all.
"Rory?" Paris asked gently.
"Are you sure?" Rory whispered.
Lorelei watched her daughter carefully, rearranging boxes of PopTarts on the counter. Rory brushed the hair back from her face, sighing. Lorelei felt a slight lump in her throat beginning to form. Rory had that tensed look she always sported when she was worried things would go the wrong way. Lorelei had watched Rory's face twist into that expression countless times before school on test days. This was one test she wasn't sure how to convince her would go well. She nervously ripped open the silver wrapping of a PopTart. The crinkling caused Rory to shoot her a death stare over her shoulder.
"Yes. They were done as two completely separate tests so it has his name on it and everything. Of course my office is going to mail you a copy of this as well," Paris said.
"Well..." Rory began, taking a deep breath, "thank you so much for your help, Paris."
Paris remained quiet on the other end of the phone. "I hope everything turns out okay, Rory. I really do. I wish...I wish I knew what the answer to everything was. All I can do is try to help you have the healthiest pregnancy you possibly can. Which you should probably start by throwing out whatever decaying aluminum cans of starch and tomato by-product you have and go buy some vegetables."
Rory managed to crack. "Frosted strawberry PopTarts encompass both the fruit and the grain parts of the pyramid," she said.
"Hell yeah, they do!" Lorelei yelled from across the room, waving her half-eaten PopTart in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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