Chapter 19

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Rory blinked in the London sun as she walked out of the airport and towards her cab. The sun stretched its warm fingers across her cheeks and a breeze ruffled her ponytail. She turned her head as a Towncar at the curb honked its horn. The black tint of the window shrank into the car as it rolled down and a familiar, tousled blond head and neck craned out.

"Ace!" Logan removed his sunglasses and waved her towards the car. She couldn't help but crack a smile. He smiled back, squinting his eyes at the sunlight reflecting off of the car. The driver jumped out and grabbed her bag, opening the back passenger door for her. She slid across the black leather towards Logan, who had moved to the other seat to make room for her. He leaned across to kiss her squarely on the lips. "Well, if it isn't a Connecticut Yankee in King Logan's Court." He grinned devilishly.

Rolling her eyes, Rory buckled her seatbelt. "Hi, Logan."

"I'm gonna be honest with you, Ace. I was a tiny bit worried I wouldn't see you again after our last wasn't the most heartwarming of conclusions."

Rory smoothed her leggings and avoided eye contact. Logan reached across the seat to cup her chin in his hand. He tilted her head to face him. "I missed you, Rory." His eyes searched hers.
Words caught in Rory's throat. She swallowed. "I missed you too, Logan. Can we eat? I'm starving to death."

Logan laughed. "There's the Ace I know and love. We are going to dinner. I am taking you somewhere special."

"Does this somewhere special involve fish and chips?" Rory arched one eyebrow, pulling her phone out to turn it back on.

Logan wiggled both of his eyebrows, grinning mischievously. "Not even a little bit."


Rory struggled to smooth her ruffled top over the slight swell in her stomach. Feeling bloated and miserable, she leaned towards the mirror, applying lip gloss with a pout. The hotel she posh and gorgeous but Rory felt the tiniest twinge of guilt color her cheeks. She searched her own face in the mirror for something, anything. All she saw was the evidence of a long day of traveling and the slight sheen of morning sickness trying to hide behind matte powder. She clicked off the light and made her way back into the bedroom part of the suite. She sat on the bed, gathering her knees to her chest. The luxurious creams and reds of the room surrounded her. A flat-screen television looked slightly out of place against the art deco finishes in the room. Logan was supposed to be sending a car at 8 for a lovely dinner on a lovely terrace- tucked away in some romantic corner of London. Whether the corner was meant to be romantic or surreptitious was a thought Rory did not care to consider at the moment. Her phone beeped.

I miss you, Ace.

Rory suppressed a smile, scrolling back to her last text from Jess, hoping she had missed something from him. There was nothing after her responding to his question of how she was feeling. Rory felt sad. The minutes clicked by until it neared 8. Rory made her way back down to the lobby, slipping her room key into her purse. A woman in the elevator made eye contact with Rory as she stepped in, and something was accusatory in her face. Rory blushed slightly, smoothing her bun protectively and placing her hand holding the clutch over her stomach. She felt exposed, somehow. Perhaps this woman could sense that she was sleeping with an engaged man and had, in fact, slept with the engaged man and an ex-boyfriend on the same day. This woman probably had a rich husband who didn't sneak around with old college girlfriends and could afford to have a place of her own to call home.

"I love your purse," the woman suddenly said. Her accent was slightly cultured, and Rory could not place where she might be from. Rory turned to look at her. The woman's skin was as pale and creamy as the luxurious latte foam they served in the cafe downstairs. Her lips were painted a subtle pink, and her hair fell in loose blond curls past her shoulders. Rory forced a smile. 

"Thank you," Rory said, sweeping her hair back and tucking the loose hairs into the bun, suddenly self-conscious at her flyaways. The shine in the woman's hair was practically blinding her. "I am not sure where I got it."

The woman raised one perfectly sculpted eyebrow. "Ah," she said with a flash of a brilliant white smile, "A lady never reveals her shopping secrets." 

Rory laughed. "No, I just can't remember buying it." 

The woman stuck out one perfectly manicured hand. Rory shook it. "Rory Gilmore," she said, with a half-smile.

"Hi, Rory. My name is Odette." 

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