Chapter 9

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Jess felt himself flinch.
He ran both thumbs across his eyebrows, trying to steady his breathing.
He sat on the curb.
"Okay," he said. He sighed, interlocking his fingers and holding his head in his hands. "Is Logan happy?"

Rory stared at him. She opened her mouth, but words did not come out. She sat next to him on the curb. She could not help but notice that he recoiled slightly from her. Knees on her elbows, she cupped her chin in her hand and looked out into the dark street.
"So, is that code for 'get lost' or what?" Jess said. He did not look at her. "Did frat boy finally decide to become a family man?"

Still refusing to look at her, Jess stared at the ground. Rory studied his profile, searching for an answer, though she wasn't sure of the question. Headlights illuminated the street ahead, and leaves drifted lazily across the street in the autumn breeze, their sharp edges dragging on the asphalt. She reached out, suddenly, and grabbed his hand.
Her touch startled Jess. He looked up at her. He was so filled with sadness that he could feel the loss of Rory with every fiber of his being. This was going to be the end of a dream. The only dream he had ever had. He thought of ways to avoid her as much as possible. He could move, he could try to meet someone online, he could...
Jess realized she was talking.
"I'm sorry, I know this is probably really sudden... I don't expect you to come if you don't want to," she said quietly.
Jess raised an eyebrow. "Come where?"
Rory looked at him quizzically. "My ultrasound?"
"Look, Rory. We aren't going to be buddies here. I'm not going with you to the doctor. Call Lane, or someone," he spat.
Rory jerked her hand away. "Look, I know this was surprising for you...but everything you said about your dad not being there or whatever, I thought you would want something else. I thought you would want to do the right thing," Rory's eyes welled up with tears. Two red patches began spreading across her cheeks and she covered her eyes with the heels of her palms.
Jess felt his heartbeat speed up. "Wait," he began. He pulled at his hair anxiously. He dared not hope. "Is the baby mine?"
Rory did not remove her hands. "Have you not been listening this entire time?" She groaned. Jess grabbed her right wrist and pulled it away from her eye to try to read her expression. "What are you talking about?" He demanded.
Rory dropped her other hand and ran her fingers along the crack in the curb.
"Yes, Jess. The baby is yours."
Jess could not help but feel a swell in his heart. Fear and excitement coursed through his body. He smiled.
Rory saw his smile and slid her arms around his waist. They sat, cheek to cheek and coat to coat, on the curb for several moments without speaking.
Jess ran his hand down the back of Rory's head, smoothing her hair as he breathed in her scent. His heart was filled with unexpected joy at a conversation that should have terrified him to his core. He placed his forehead gently on the top of her head as he held her tight.
Abruptly, he broke loose. "What time is it?" He asked.
Rory looked at him. "I don't have my phone," she said, "I am pretty sure it's close to midnight, though."
Jess laughed. "No, Rory. What time is the appointment?"
Rory beamed, leaning over to kiss him.

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