Chapter 34

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Logan was so thrilled to see Rory that evening and to tell her everything that was on his mind. He sent a car for her so that she could meet him for dinner. He had decided to walk from his apartment to the bistro, as it was only about a half mile away, and he could stop for flowers on the way. The walk was relatively quiet for London, and there were few passersby on the street.

Logan walked with his hands in his pockets, watching the cars pass. He was so engulfed in reflecting on the highs and lows of the day that he almost did not feel his phone vibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out quickly and glanced at the screen. It was a Connecticut phone number that was not in his contacts. Puzzled, he picked it up.

"This is Logan Huntzberger."

"Logan? It's your father."

Logan pulled the phone away from his ear, grimacing. He could've kicked himself.

"Why do you have a Connecticut phone number, Dad?"

"I figured you would think it was Rory. It worked, didn't it?"

"I guess," Logan sighed, "What's going on?"

"I don't like the way we ended things earlier."

Logan laughed. "You mean when you started breaking things in my office two feet away from my pregnant girlfriend? Yeah, I wasn't exactly jumping for joy about it either."

"It wasn't my best reaction."

"So are you sorry?"

"It wasn't my best reaction," Mitchum repeated firmly.

Logan reached the door of the flower shop and stood off to the side, shifting his weight from foot to foot. He did not say anything. 

Mitchum cleared his throat on the other end of the line. "Son, I don't think you have thought this whole thing through. I really want to help you make sense of this whole scenario."

"What is there to make sense of? We love each other, we are having a baby... I don't get what the big deal is."

Mitchum sighed. "Logan! Can you just listen to me, for once?" his voice was laced with irritation. He sighed again. "Please," he added.

Logan switched the phone to his other ear, clenching his jaw. "Fine."

"Thank you. So! I had a very long conversation with Odette at Nobu. I just am not sure if you handled everything the proper way. She mentioned a little tidbit of information to me that I was...well, disappointed to hear, to say the least," Mitchum said.

"What? That I cheated on her? I think that is pretty clear," Logan said, exasperated, "She cheated on me too."

"Oh, heavens, no," Mitchum scoffed, "I don't really care about that. Though you would be wise to learn how to do it in such a way that you aren't getting caught. Too many scandals bring a bad name to the family business. No, that is not what she told me."

Logan could feel his blood pressure rising. "Okay, Dad. What is it? What did she tell you? You are being obtuse and I do not have a lot of time to deal with this."

"Oh, I apologize. Am I making you late for another appointment to impregnate someone you are not married to?" Mitchum asked sarcastically.

"Really?" Logan sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Logan. Odette told me that Rory's child might not be yours."

Logan felt his heart begin to beat faster. "When did she tell you this? At Nobu?" he asked quickly.

"No, I had brunch with her this morning before we went to your office."

A cold sweat spread across Logan's back and neck, and he felt suddenly uncomfortable.

"Dad. I never told Odette that."

"Oh my god, Logan. So it's true?"

"No, no it isn't," Logan lied smoothly. "There may have been a question at the beginning, but we have already established that the baby is mine."

"Well, I suppose I am happy to hear that. The last thing we need is some gold digger trying to siphon a heavy dose of child support out of a Huntzberger for the next 18 years. You will have to get a copy of the paternity test over to our lawyers as soon as you possibly can. I just cannot believe that you allowed this to happen. Did your schools not teach you enough about birth control and all of those things? Do you think we could pay her to get an abortion? Is she one of those religious types? I never got that sense from her. Paying her off would be much cheaper in the long run than having to actually pay child support. I shudder to think what the court system would assign to be a fair number. Logan, are you even listening?" Mitchum asked sharply.

The truth was, Logan was barely listening. He had glanced casually up the street in an effort to find something to distract him from the dreadful conversation he was having with his father and had seen something quite interesting indeed. There had been a man in sunglasses and gray slacks with a dark baseball cap pulled down to hide his face standing at the intersection about 300 feet from Logan. He had a professional camera. Logan thought it was somewhat odd for the man to be taking pictures of a nondescript street in London, but the city was full of artists and creatives, so it would not have been the first time he saw someone taking pictures of seemingly useless things. Logan had been to many well-to-do art gallery openings that had contained pictures of much of the same. As Logan had been casually observing him, the man went from casually taking pictures of the brick building in front of him to point his camera directly down the sidewalk at Logan. When the man noticed that Logan was looking at him, he briskly walked around the corner and out of sight.

Logan ended the call with his father, putting his phone in his pocket as he began to run to try to get a closer look at the man. He suddenly had a very good idea as to where Odette was getting her information from. 

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