Chapter 2

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Lorelei felt as if the wind had been knocked out of her. Sitting back at the gazebo, she felt deflated and sad on what should have been the happiest day of her life. She looked at her feet. She had taken off her shoes so she could dance. Her heels sat beside her on the stairs. Her cup of champagne sat next to her as well, steadily losing bubbles into the early evening air.

"So you don't know who the Dad is, huh? Any chance that this is less of a Maury Povich moment and more of a Baby Mama moment?" Lorelei asked. She was trying to fight tears she knew were coming. What happened to Rory? She thought she had done everything to give her daughter a good life. Where had she failed?

Rory sat quietly without answering. A gust of wind swept through the square, jarring the still flowers and rustling her mother's dress. She pushed her hair back from her face and realized how anxious she felt. She felt like she needed to explain, but words failed her. "Mom, I..." she began, her words sticking.

"Rory. Who is the father?" Lorelei pressed. She couldn't help but feel angry. If her daughter was going to drop this bomb on her on her wedding day, the least she could do is offer her an explanation.

"I need to figure some things out before I tell you. I would like to talk to him first," Rory said quietly.

"Okay, Rory. Then I think we are done here," Lorelei stood, brushing off her dress.

"Mom. Please..." Rory began.

"Stop it, Rory. Today is my wedding day. I have been looking forward to this day for a very long time. If you are going to use today of all days to tell me that you are pregnant...then not even tell me who the father is? I can't talk to you right now. I am going to go enjoy what is left of the day. When you need to talk, come find me." Lorelei said sharply. She walked across the square to find Luke.

Rory watched her mother walk away with a pit in her stomach. She picked at her sweater. Another gust of wind dropped petals from the flower arrangements all around her. She pulled a petal from her hair, twisting it in her fingers. Voices rose and fell as people walked by. They waved at her in merriment over the day's festivities. She hoped everyone would leave her alone. There was no guarantee in Stars Hollow, though, so she gathered herself up with a sigh and headed towards home.

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