Chapter 33

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Logan sighed, putting his head in his hands.

Finn reached across the couch, placing his hand firmly on Logan's shoulder. Finn's touch anchored Logan just enough, as he felt lost suddenly.

"Mate. What is going on with you? This isn't like you." Finn's voice was full of concern, and Logan felt overwhelmed. He had not cried in years, but Logan could feel tears bubbling up to the surface. He took a breath before trying to speak.

"Finn, I don't know. I just feel like Rory and I have had so many roadblocks. Every time it looks like we are going to be together, something comes up. It used to be so much easier...and now everything is just so hard. It makes me want to just give up. Maybe our relationship should have stayed in the past. Maybe there is a reason why everything is not coming together."

Finn sighed, squeezing Logan's shoulder before letting go. "Logan, you arse. Maybe you are meant to be together and this is the universe's way of telling you that. Life is not always easy."

Logan laughed shrilly. "I know it isn't, Finn. I just feel like this is particularly hard. No one is going to be happy about this. My family, her family...we went about this the wrong way. The world is going to be against us."

Finn clasped his hands in his lap, looking at Logan. "Look. Logan... Before, I did not want to tell you this, but...I am going to because I think you need to know."

Logan looked up at Finn.

Finn cleared his throat. "Back at Yale...I used to have...well, I used to like Rory, as juvenile as that sounds."

Logan shrugged, looking puzzled. 

"I shouldn't say like. At was just an infatuation, you know. My best friend's girlfriend. She is brilliant. I adored her. I pined. It was quite sad, really. It got worse and worse and eventually, it was so bad that I did not even want to hang out with the two of you together. When I went to pick her up from jail, I finally thought it was my opportunity to convince her to be with me, instead of you. It was prime time. I was ready for it. I had talked myself into it, and then her Mom was there, and she seemed so dismissive of me- probably because I was associated with you."

Logan wrinkled his nose, confused. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Let me finish," Finn said quietly.

Logan nodded, waving at him to continue.

"The point is, I loved Rory, and I love you. You are like a brother to me. After she turned down your proposal, I wanted to shake you. She didn't want to be pinned down. She loved you...but you made her choose and she wasn't ready. I was glad that you were finally making a grand gesture, but I was secretly happy for myself. I thought I could do better. I would let her do whatever and go wherever she wanted. I would've let her follow her dreams, just to be with her. All of the other girls, I ran through them so quickly. I was looking for the spark I felt with Rory, some instant connection beyond lust...I never found it. I knew I would hate myself for letting her go...But I couldn't do that to you. I was all the way on the cusp, and then I told myself that I loved you too much, and our friendship was too valuable. I had an opportunity again when she ended things with you after our night out a few months ago. I wanted to tell her then, but she just looked empty- like her spirit had left her body. That goodbye to her was the hardest I have ever had to do because I knew that was the end for me. I knew, watching you two say goodbye to each other at that moment that you would never be happy apart. I don't think I ever had a chance with her. As soon as you got together, you were it for her. As soon as you two started it up again you should have ended things with Odette. It just kills me sometimes, you are so dense. You don't appreciate what you have. You never have. If you are really considering breaking things off with Rory after all you two have been through, you are a bloody bastard and even dumber than I thought you were."

Logan blinked at Finn, trying to piece together what he was telling him.

"Who gives a damn what Mitchum thinks. You two have never gotten along anyway. Forget him. This could be it for you and Rory if you walk away now."

Logan sighed, looking down at the floor. "I am sorry, Finn. I didn't know all of this. I should've seen it."

"You are missing the bloody point. Do you want to spend the rest of your life wishing that you would have stuck it out through the hard parts? Rory is the most fascinating, complex, beautiful girl I have ever met. I am perfectly content to call her only a friend as long as I know that you are going to do everything you can to make sure that it sticks this time. It sucks, and I hate that it wasn't me..but I know that you two are meant to be together. I may never find another girl like Rory, but you have her. Don't let her go again."

Logan looked into Finn's eyes, feeling determination rising inside of him. He nodded.

Finn smiled, looking relieved. "Alright," he said, banging his fist on the coffee table in triumph, "Go get your girl."

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