Chapter 3

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Lorelei made her way across the square. People surrounded her as she walked, congratulating her and commenting on her beautiful wedding. Everything was a blur. She offered everyone a half-hearted wave. She hadn't been able to find Luke. 

Luke sat in the diner, surveying the giant mess in the town square and smiled. He would definitely support Kirk on a future in the event decorating business. He looked around the diner and smiled to himself. He felt so content, but wished his father had been there to see his overgrown bachelor son get married. The thought tugged at his stomach. 

Luke liked to fix things. His father's ever-present absence was something that no nail or coat of paint would ever take away. He knew that he did not want to dwell in this dark place. He stood up to fill salt and pepper shakers and clear his head. 


Luke turned, prepared to scoff at whoever had ignored the giant "Closed" sign. 

"Luke," the man said. His coat was a little heavier than the season required. There were bags under his eyes, shading his features. There seemed to be a sadness settling into the fine lines around his eyes and his mouth twisted in a frown. "Can we talk?"

Luke folded his arms across his chest. Letting go of old grudges was never something that he was skilled in. "You're here, so talk," he said gruffly. He steeled himself for a confrontation.

"Lorelei wants more children, you know. She has for years. It's been ten years, Luke. When are you going to give this up? The chase is over. Sooner or later she is going to get tired of waiting." The man shrugged pointedly. 

Luke sighed. "We aren't going to have any more children. We are happy as we are."

"No. You are happy as you are. Lorelei is going to wake up one day and realized that she settled. Where is she now, Luke? You aren't even with your wife on your wedding night. Why are you so selfish?"

Luke could feel himself getting angry. "Why are you even here, man? Haven't you done enough?" He pulled at the collar of his shirt, longing for the autumn breeze outside, away from this conversation. His jaw tightened. He leaned against the counter, hoping a more relaxed position would help him to feel more relaxed. Fake it til you make it.

"I am here because I care about Lorelei. I don't want to see her throw away her entire life just to be in a relationship with you. She has sacrificed so much to get to this point that she can do whatever she wants. She struggled for a long time, Luke."

"She struggled because of you," Luke said with a grimace.

"She did. I don't want her to struggle because of a man ever again. I put her through hell. She deserves to be happy."

"She is happy!"

"I am done here. I would not be able to live with myself if I didn't say what I needed to say to you. I am not here to fight."

"It is too late for you and Lorelei. Why can't you just leave her alone?"

Christopher turned and left the diner.

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