Chapter 20

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Rory let out an involuntary gasp and felt her heart begin to pound. A lump of fear swelled in her throat and she began to sweat. She leaned against the wall of the elevator to steady herself.

The woman leaned towards Rory, her brows furrowing with concern. "Are you feeling okay?" She reached out one cool hand and grabbed Rory's arm. 

"Did Logan tell you I was here?" Rory asked quietly. 

Odette withdrew her hand and crossed her arms over her chest. "Who is Logan?" she asked. Bewilderment swirled around her features.

Rory snapped her head up. "You're Logan's fiance," she said slowly, cradling her head in her hands.

"No, I am not," Odette said, arching an eyebrow. The elevator doors opened and she stepped out into the lobby, Rory following behind. Rory's breathing was beginning to steady, though she had started to feel clammy and sick. Odette turned to face her. "I think you must have me confused with someone else. My husband's name is Rajesh and he has not left Johannesburg in about four if he told me something about you...I would have been quite surprised to hear it." She gave Rory a small, sympathetic grin.

Rory rubbed her temples. "I am so sorry... I thought you were a different Odette. I am so embarrassed. Let me start over. I'm Rory Gilmore...I am a journalist, and evidently, I am terrible at introductions." Rory surprised herself at how calm she sounded when she felt anything but.

Odette gave a smile. Her face betrayed curiosity. She clearly wanted to know who she was being confused with. "My name is Odette Sood. I own a boutique in South Africa. I am here meeting with a few designers to see if I want to carry them," she smirked. She was clearly teasing her. "Though I would love to know who you thought I was."

Rory sighed, pulling a tissue out of her bag. She began to blot at the layer of anxious sweat that had appeared all over her face. "Well, Odette is my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. We have never met and she isn't a fan of mine."

Odette again studied Rory's face, her mouth twitched as she tried to cover up a knowing smirk. She shifted her weight to the other foot and fluffed her hair. "I see. A bit of an intense reaction for someone running into an ex that they have never met... and obviously don't know exactly what they look like. She must really be something else," Odette looked deep into Rory's eyes as she said this.

Rory felt the tight tinge of guilt creeping into her jaw as she fought against clenching her teeth. She felt like she had been caught. A headache began to inch from her neck and shoulders into the back of her head. "It was so nice to meet you. I am so sorry for the confusion again." She reached out her hand. Odette shook her hand. Odette's was smooth, cool, and steady against Rory's damp and shaky one. Odette smiled, though there was something behind the smile that ate at Rory. 

"It was nice to meet you too," Odette said, brushing the hair from her face. Rory turned on her heel and walked quickly through the ornate lobby and out the doors. A damp breeze washed over Rory as she stepped outside. She made her way to the waiting car at the curb as fat rain droplets began to fall.

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