Chapter 25

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"Hey Ace, you okay?"

Rory stirred, rolling over into Logan's warm weight on the bed. "Yes," she said sleepily.

"How was the interview?" he asked, clicking on the bedside lamp.

"Why the lights? I want to sleep," Rory sighed, pulling the sheet up to cover her face.

"It's 8:00 PM. We need to go grab some dinner," Logan laughed.

Rory groaned. Logan grabbed the sheet and pulled it down from her face, kissing her. "Are you sure you're okay? I have never heard you turn down food." He laid the back of his hand on her forehead dramatically. Rory stuck her tongue out of her mouth and feigned death.

"What about room service?" she asked.

Logan pulled all of the sheets off of her. "No," he said shortly, grabbing the remote and turning on the tv. "Get ready."

Rory sighed, dragging herself out of bed. Logan was watching the stock ticker intently.

"What are you doing?" Rory asked.

"I am watching the ticker for the day closes. They don't show the New York Stock Exchange all day here like they do in the States. At least not on the channels we have in here," he explained, not glancing away from the screen.

"Ah," Rory said, digging through her open bag, "I forget that you're an actual adult."

Logan rolled his eyes. He turned off the television and faced Rory, his face serious. "So! You didn't answer my question."

Rory gave a non-committal nod.

"Rory," Logan sighed, adjusting his watch. "How was the interview? I am dying to know."

"It went well, I thought. Why, did they call you or something?" Rory asked suspiciously.

Logan sighed and leaned back on the bed. "Yeah, they did. They seemed to be a little concerned about your start date." He raised an eyebrow.

"I told them I couldn't start for two months," Rory said, exasperated. "What are you expecting? That I can move to another country in a day? Plus, I have to tie up some stuff at the Gazette. Not to mention, you know, pack up my crap and get like a visa, or whatever."

"Well, half of your stuff is already here," Logan pointed out.

Rory rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean, Logan. If I am going to move here for real then there are a lot of things I need to take care of. I am not even sure if I want to come. I can't even imagine the paperwork. That is going to suck, seriously."

Logan studied her, pursing his lips. He folded his arms across his chest and leaned back, saying nothing.

"I mean, are you sure? I'm going to need my mom during this whole thing. I have no idea what I'm doing. And you know Emily Gilmore would just die if I left," Rory added.

Logan half-smiled. "You know Emily Gilmore would just die if she knew we were getting back together. She adores me."

"You're missing my point. I don't think I can move here."

"Rory. Where are you going to live? You don't have a paying job there. I get that you would hate to leave family but you don't have any means of supporting yourself. You would have a job here. You would have me. It would only be good in the short term. Lorelei is going to get tired of you living with her eventually."

"I would have child support," Rory said abruptly.

Logan shrugged in agreement. "Of course I would pay child support. I would rather try to work it out, though."

"Work what out? Logan. This kid may not be yours. What are you not understanding here? This isn't the law of attraction, you can't just 'positive vibe' your DNA into this baby." Rory stood with her hands on her hips, a chunk of hair falling from her bun into her face.
Logan kept one arm folded across his chest and gestured with the other.

"I adore you, Rory. I always have. I didn't fly you around the world for nothing. I didn't break up what would have been a very prominent couple for nothing. I didn't wait, and suffer, and wonder if you would call me the next day after you turned me down to tell me you were out of your mind...for nothing. I'm not going to give you everything just for you to flake, again. Because something is too hard, or you're too scared, or you're wondering if there is something better out there somewhere. One day you're going to have to learn to be happy with who and where you are." Logan stood, staring at her before turning towards the door. "The car is waiting. Are you coming?"

Rory stood for a moment, folding her arms. Logan turned to face her. They watched each other in silence.
After what seemed like forever, Rory opened her mouth to speak.

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