Chapter 23

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"Rory. Wake up."

Rory rolled over, shielding her eyes from the light of a new day.
Logan was standing over her, holding a coffee cup. She sat up, trying to smooth down the peaks and horns her hair had formed during the night.
"For me?" She smiled, taking the cup. Rory took a long sip, then made a strange face. "This does not taste good," she said, frowning.
"That's because it's half decaf. You really need to take it easy on the caffeine while you're pregnant, Rory." Logan was tucking in an impeccably tailored button up shirt into dress slacks. He sat down on the edge of the bed next to Rory as he pulled on his socks. They were covered in some kind of design. Rory leaned forward to examine them closer.
"Are those...?" She began, giggling.
Logan sighed. "Golden snitches, yes. Honor got them for me as a Christmas gift because I used to snitch on her as a kid and she calls me the "Golden Boy" of the family. So fitting, apparently. They're nice socks, anyway."
Rory laughed, resting her forehead on Logan's shoulder.
"You need to get ready," he said suddenly. Rory glanced at the clock.
"Damn. Do I have to check out today?" she groaned. "It's such a pretty hotel and I'm so sleepy."
"You don't need to sweet talk me. The hotel room is yours as long as you want it. You need to get ready for your interview." Logan said, standing up and putting in his cuff links.
Rory had been in mid-sip when he said this. She inhaled sharply and began to cough. Logan bent down worriedly to check on her.
"Are you okay?" He asked, patting her back.
"I'm fine," she coughed, waving her hand in front of her face. "What interview?"
Logan smirked. "You may have left your laptop open last night and I may or may not have sent your resume over to a buddy of mine's website who is looking for a parliament reporter," he said.
"Wait, here? In London?" Rory asked, running her hand through her hair.
"Yes, unless the States grew a parliament overnight, Ace. I want you here." He sat back down on the edge of the bed. Logan ran his thumb down Rory's face from her temple to her jaw. He smiled at her. Shivers ran up her spine and she closed her eyes, trying to drink in the moment.
Logan kissed her, tucking his fingers back into the hair behind her ear and caressing her jawline with his thumb. He pulled away and she groaned.
"Logan. I can't move here."
He looked into her eyes. "You can move here. You will. You don't have much going on in Stars Hollow."
"Except, you know, my entire life."
"I'll fly Lorelei out whenever you want...they will probably let you do a little bit of telecommute. Come on, Ace."
Rory hesitated. She thought again of the radio silence from Jess.
"Logan. What if the baby isn't yours?"
"The baby IS mine."
"It might not be."
"It is. I know it."
"What about Odette? Where does she fit into all of this?"
Logan sighed, slumping his shoulders. He looked up at Rory and gave her a small smile. "Odette and I aren't getting married, Rory. After that goodbye we had, I knew I couldn't marry her."
"Why? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I told Odette that we had been carrying on behind her back. I told her I was sorry. She didn't love me...I didn't love her. She has her own Rory. His name is Rene. She was embarrassed, of course. And I know it hurt her. I want her to be with someone who truly loves her and will never spend one second doubting that he is with the right person. That person isn't me. I would never be able to look her in the eye and say with 100% confidence that I chose correctly. I would always have you in the back of my mind."
Rory was quiet. She placed her cup on the nightstand and drew her knees to her chest, placing her chin on them and gazing at Logan.
"Rory...if we are going to do this, I need to know that Jess is out of the picture. I love you. I don't want to share you."
Rory nodded. "I know. I want to talk to him in person, though."
Logan nodded. "So. I had my chauffeur pick up a few outfits for you at a boutique up the street. I'm positive there is something interview-worthy in there." He smiled, pulling a bag from down below the end of the bed.
The bag was a luscious purple with deep red tissue paper peeking out of the top. Rory grabbed the bag, her eyes bright with delight.
She opened it, rustling the tissue paper and pulled out a gorgeous red dress with a full skirt. It was even more beautiful than her lucky one. Her eyes welled with tears. She cast the dress to the side and pulled in Logan for a hug. He held her for a long time before speaking.
"Let's get you ready, Ace."

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