Chapter 40

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Paris slipped quietly into the room and came to stand at the side of the exam table. Rory turned her head up to look at Paris, a tear quickly slipping from the side of her eye to run down the side of her face.

"Rory," Paris said quietly, a kindness in her voice that Rory had never heard before, "Everything is going to be okay."

Rory smiled, nodding her head, as more tears jumped to her eyes. "I'm sorry," Rory said quietly, "I guess I just don't like to hear when I mess up."

Paris sat in the chair across from the exam table, crossing one black pump over the other. "You never have," she said, "But I don't either."

"Luke is missing," Rory said suddenly. After it left her mouth, she winced. 

Paris' face betrayed no emotion. There was silence for a moment between them.

"I knew that," she said, straightening the pen in the pocket of her lab coat.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Rory asked, confused.

"I read it online," Paris sighed, "It did not really seem like you wanted to discuss it."

Rory opened her mouth to speak and then shut it. "Well," she said, "I guess you are right."

Paris nodded. "Alright, Rory. Let's get this test over with."


Rory blinked in the sun on her way to her car. She had been sent off with the promise of a phone call the second the results came in and several pamphlets about spotting during pregnancy. Rory had not loved the idea that the test carried risk- but she could not help but keep going back to what her mother had said about the stress being worse for the baby. Paris seemed optimistic that the test would not cause any issues, so Rory clung to that. 

She felt strangely nervous as she drove back towards Stars Hollow. She kept trying to decipher which way her heart was leaning. When she arrived at the appointment, she had been firmly in the camp of wanting Logan to be the father. There was something about this possibility that nagged at her, though she could not pinpoint exactly what it was. She was not sure if it was the fact that there was so much familial disapproval surrounding her pregnancy (on both sides), or that Odette was still hanging around. Maybe there had been some truth to what Paris had said to her at lunch- maybe the piece of her that would be content with Jess being the father was the same part of her that hated to see anyone move on from her. 

No, I want Logan to be the father, Rory thought to herself, nodding her head firmly as she took the last turn towards Stars Hollow. 


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