Chapter 26

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"I'm coming," Rory said softly, "Give me just a minute."

Logan left the hotel room without another word.
Rory moved around the hotel room, gathering things she needed for the evening. After locating her Chapstick, she reached for her phone. Without thinking, she dialed her mom.
She almost did not realize she was calling her until her voice filled the phone, bringing a familiar warmth to her ears.
"Have we reached the age where you think that you can just leave the country without telling me? Can I ground you if you're over 30? I want to," Lorelei said, a hint of relief evident in her voice.
"I sent you a text!" Rory said defensively, picking at a loose thread on her bag.
"I'm not even going to dignify that excuse with a response. You didn't tell me in person because you didn't want me to judge you. Which I still am, by the way."
Rory sighed. "Mom, I'm sorry. He isn't marrying her."
"What a guy! Dumping his fiancé for his mistress."
Rory inhaled sharply. Lorelei's words cut her more than she had expected them to.
"I'm sorry, that was a little harsh. But still, Rory. I wish I could find a way to justify this whole thing but I just can't. What are you doing there, anyway? Shouldn't you be here with Jess?"
"What do you mean with Jess? I have not heard from Jess in days," Rory snapped.

"Whoa there, viper. Jess stopped by the house the other day looking for you," Lorelei said.

"What? What did you tell him?"

"Well," Lorelei began, dragging out the word. Rory could feel herself getting more frustrated.

"Well, what?"

"Geez, Rory. Pregnancy is really doing a number on your good mood, huh? Anyway, you really put me in a bad spot. Here you are, jetting off across Timbuktu without telling your own mother...Then this guy shows up and I am not really quite sure how to tell him that, you know, his kind of girlfriend and his maybe baby have gone overseas to visit her other kind of boyfriend. So! I just told him that you had to go to London for work."

Rory sighed. "How did he take it?"

"Take what? The fact that you all are involved in some kind of weird, Definitely Maybe intergalactic love triangle spanning across the course of a decade?"

"It's hardly intergalactic," Rory said, checking the clock. She grabbed her room key and left the room, heading towards the elevators, phone clamped to her ear.

"Interplanetary, then. He didn't seem too jazzed about the whole thing," Lorelei sounded exasperated. "I really can't say I am overly pleased about this whole situation, either. What is going on, Rory? Why are you there?"

"Remember how I said that I wasn't sure if the baby was Logan's? That is still true. I wasn't exactly being truthful when I said that I had told the father. Well, I told both of them."

"You told both of them what? I don't think that you told Jess that Logan could potentially be the father because the shock on his face was more 'I was just abducted by aliens' than 'oh, no worries, I just expected her to be here but no problem.' Jess is a smart kid, Rory. And so are you, usually."

Lorelei's words stung Rory. "I am smart, Mom. I just maybe did not handle this the best way.  The truth is that it could be either Jess' or Logan's."

Lorelei's exhale filled the phone. "I gathered that it was a possibility that either guy could be the father, thus Jess showing up with flowers and asking how you were feeling and whatnot. Also that you had been sleeping with Logan for however long before that and lying to me about it. Why do I feel like I am on Dr. Phil or something? Rory. You can get a DNA test, you know. They should probably test the baby for everything, since you didn't know right away that you were pregnant."

"The doctor did say there were a few risks on that test though."

"It is also risky to be sitting here stressing out about your slew of potential fathers for ten months. Not to mention catapulting your fetus 20,000 feet in the air and across the ocean to see someone who just dumped his fiancé. This can't be healthy. Just do the test."

Rory's elevator opened its doors and she made her way across the lobby. The double doors opened to the thick evening air to reveal Logan leaning against a black Mercedes double-parked by the curb. He broke into a huge smile when he saw her.

"Okay, Mom. I will get the test done." Rory hung up, placing her phone in her purse and quickening her pace to meet Logan. Her heart soared as he stood up from the car, walking towards her. They met at the curb and their eyes locked. He wrapped her in his arms, kissing the top of her head and lifting her feet off the ground.

"Logan! Be careful!" Rory laughed.

"Whoops!" He said into her hair, his breath warm on her neck. He put her back down and opened the car door with a flourish. Someone honked their horn at them, and they both laughed, climbing into the car together.

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