Chapter 24

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The glass doors slid open to allow Rory back on to the streets of London. Rory pushed her hair up from her face as she walked out. Sweat was beading on the back of her neck and she could feel the unforgiving and inevitable heave on its way. There was a trashcan on the curb, squarely between two parked cabs. Rory lunged for it, barely making it in time. The people walking by barely glanced at the stumbling, vomiting girl on the sidewalk at noon. She dragged the back of her hand across her forehead and pulled her phone from her purse. Her fingers were shaking and her phone slipped to the sidewalk. She sank down, sitting on the curb. Her fingers found her phone and dragged it towards her leg, feeling the inescapable dread as she turned the phone over. The phone made it through the fall completely unscathed, which surprised Rory. Feeling the tension slowly release in her stomach, she sighed, settling into the curb and dialing Logan.


"Hey, Logan. I am done and I am going to get a cab back to the hotel room," Rory said, thrilled by the sound of his voice.

"Hey, that's great. I have someone in my office, so I will catch up with you later, okay?"

"Ok..." Rory began, feeling uneasy.

Logan ended the call.

Rory smoothed her dress over her knees and stood up, feeling a sudden second rush of nausea. One of the cabs inched up and rolled down its window.

"You going somewhere?" The driver called out.

Rory nodded, grabbing the back handle.

"Ay, wait. You aren't going to chuck in the car are you?"

"No, I am totally fine," Rory said, sliding into the car.


Rory sank gratefully into the soft weaves of the hotel sheets. She had pho and ginger ale on its way and was hoping she could eat, watch television, and nap for the remainder of the afternoon. Logan had not texted her, and she was feeling a little insecure. The television was showing reruns of British comedies, and Rory was more than happy to relax and enjoy the show.

- -

Jess rolled over in bed. It was only 8, and it was completely dark outside. The lamp on his bedside table struggled to illuminate the room. Jess grabbed his phone lazily from the other side of the bed. Nothing from Rory.
He was extremely angry at her. He had shown up to Lorelei's house to bring her flowers and soup and apologize for leaving abruptly. Lorelei had greeted him at the door and informed him that Rory was in London.
Ah, London. The home of pretty boy Logan.
Jess rolled over in bed again, this time to his back.
She came walking around the corner in just a t-shirt, padding into the room quietly in her bare feet. She sat on the edge of his bed and fluffed her hair, placing her hand on his chest.
"Do you want me to make us something for dinner?" She asked sweetly, leaning down towards him.
Jess smiled at her, feeling the warmth of her fingers.
"I would love for you to make us something for dinner," he began, "but not yet." He grabbed her, pulling her under the sheets and wrapping his arms around her.
She laughed. "As nice as this is, we have been in bed for most of the day. We need some food," she said, holding up her index finger and placing it between their faces. Jess pushed it out of the way and kissed her firmly.
She rolled away from him and slipped out of the bed, pulling on yoga pants.
She took off his shirt and rooted around the end of the bed for her bra.
Jess stared at her as she fastened it. She caught him looking and she smiled, blushing slightly.
She pulled on her sweatshirt and came over to give Jess a quick peck on the lips. "I'm going to the store," she said.
Jess nodded, turning over on his side and propping his head up with his hand.
She left the bedroom, then doubled back, her silhouette framing the doorway.
"Bye, Jess," she said flirtatiously, wiggling her fingers at him.
He laughed. "I'll see you in a few minutes, Lindsay."

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