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a few years later: alysha's pov

so, a lot has happened since i left heavenly host boarding school a few years ago. for one, i ended up getting home schooled by my mum, which was actually kinda nice because it meant i didn't have to wear a uniform, i didn't have to get up early to get anywhere, and it actually brought me and my mum closer together. not at first, but eventually it did.

i've changed my ways a bit in the sense that i'm not as sarcastic or rude as i was back then. and i actually listen to people higher up than me; i.e. by some miracle, i got myself a job and my own apartment. well, that's good considering i'm an adult now. like, i'm literally twenty, nearly twenty-one years old for god sake.

the one thing i miss the most is heavenly. well, i miss simon, and the other teachers that were very nice to me. i don't miss mr. bradley the cunt. he's the reason that i got home schooled, and the reason that i've never seen simon, so yeah, i hold a grudge still.

i wonder how they're all doing though. i mean, i pray to fucking god that simon and hannah the hoe aren't a couple, or worst, married with kids. like, can you imagine what they'd look like? on simon's side, probably very cute, but on hannah's side... ew. they'd look like trolls. so, please god, if you're truly real, please make it so hannah is living on the streets and that simon is happy with a lovely girlfriend or wife and with a lovely family: or even better, make it so he's single so we can reconnect and maybe get back together because, you know, i'd like that.

"aly! come on!" the familiar voice from my friend, andrew, snaps me out of my little trance. "coming!" i yell back before rushing inside the cafe where i work...

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