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a couple of weeks later: simon's pov

a couple of weeks have passed since me and alysha first saw each other again and started meeting up for lunch, and so far it's been amazing. all the guys seem to be happy for us, apart from josh. josh and alysha don't really see eye-to-eye. i don't really know why though.

i think alysha still holds a grudge against josh when he basically torn us two apart. and i think josh still thinks she's still her seventeen year old self; rude, overly sarcastic, just didn't give a fuck, etc. she isn't though. she's really changed, for the better.

i can honestly say i'm proud of her, for changing, and for becoming a better person.

. . .

"i still can't believe how much you've changed, aly." tobi says as we all happily sit in her apartment, eating lunch she's happily made for us all. she lightly laughs, "well, i figured i ought to otherwise i'd be either on the streets, in prison, or dead." she says. "what made it click in your head that you should change?" vik asks as he happily grabs one of the many sandwiches from the middle of the table. "probably the fact that firstly, i got taken away from you guys, and the fact that my mum sent me to a mini boot-camp type thing for a week. it really opened my eyes." alysha explains.

"why did getting "taken away from us" make you change?" ethan asks. alysha sighs, "probably because you lot were the first people to listen, and understand me." "so we were like your first friends?" vik questions. alysha nods, "i guess. yeah." "what? even grumpy ass josh there?" jj asks with a laugh as he points at josh. "i ain't grumpy." josh mutters. "mm, sure." jj hums. alysha lightly laughs, "i guess. kinda," "until he forced you to leave simon." harry says. alysha nods, "exactly." she says jokingly. 

"i didn't force you to do shit." josh says. "i was joking josh. relax." alysha sighs. josh just rolls his eyes at her. "josh, listen. i know you still think i'm that rude, obnoxious, and very sarcastic seventeen year old, but believe it or not, i've changed. i've grown up and realized what a little cunt i was back then. i apologize for being an ass to you. if we could at least be civil, i.e. nice to one another, i'd appreciate that. but just know, i'm sorry." alysha says. josh sighs, "why apologize now?" he asks. "well i couldn't back then because you kicked me out the school, otherwise i would have. or, if i wasn't so busy, i would've apologized earlier." alysha explains.

"josh, just accept her apology man." i sigh. i just want them to get along. "yeah josh. she's sorry man." tobi says. "you can see and tell she's a changed woman now. she's not that seventeen year old girl you used to know. she's now that twenty, nearly twenty one year old woman who makes amazing coffee." vik says. we all lightly chuckle at the last part. josh sighs. "look, josh. if you accept my apology, i will give you/make you a free cup of coffee everyday, every morning from now on." alysha says. "i don't really like coffee though..." josh mutters. "i'll make you a hot chocolate then, everyday, every morning, for free before you start work." alysha says.

"that sounds like a good deal to me, josh." harry says. "mm, i agree." i nod. "can we have that deal to?" tobi asks. alysha smiles, "of course."

"josh? you finally gonna be somewhat friends with alysha now? she's offering you a great deal here." vik asks. josh sighs, "fuck it. sure." josh shrugs. we all cheer. "fucking finally!" i yell. everyone laughs. "hallelujah!" vik cheers. "praise the lord. thank you lord. thank you jesus. thank you josh. thank you aly." tobi says with a smile.

"can i get a hot chocolate now then?" josh asks. everyone laughs. "sure." alysha smiles. "can i have one too?" vik asks. "and me?" i ask. "me too please." tobi smiles. "everyone can have one. lord." alysha says as she stands up. we all laugh. "thanks mum!" we all joking yell. alysha shakes her head, with a smile, and sighs, "you're welcome, idiots."


[a/n] -thanks for 1K reads already. i love you all so, so, so much :')

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