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[a/n] -big up @sideintentions for the covers and the title for this fanfic you're a queen :')


"can we tell everyone now?" simon asks as the pair arrive back at alysha's apartment. "yes." alysha sighs. "yay!" simon cheers.

"i think we should tell our parents first." simon says as he sits down on the nearby sofa. "agreed." alysha nods as she sits down next to him. simon nods before grabbing his phone from his jackets pocket, and calling his mum.

just as she answers, simon puts her on speaker phone so alysha can hear her reaction. 

"hi mum!" simon beams down the phone. "hi simon." simon mum replies. "i have very exciting news," simon begins with a wide smile. "which is?" his mum asks. "i'm going to be a dad. you're going to be a grandma." simon excitingly says. "you're kidding?!" his mum say, shocked. "nope." simon shakes his head. "oh my goodness! that's amazing!" his mum cheers down the phone. simon and alysha both laugh at her reaction. "well, you listen here simon, you better not walk out on this child otherwise i'm gonna kill you, literally." his mum warns him. "i wouldn't even dream of doing that." simon reassures her. "good." simon's mum says.

"well, gotta go mum. i've gotta tell everyone else." simon says. "okay dear. love you." she replies. "love you too mum." simon smiles before putting the phone down.

"that went well." simon sighs. "indeed." alysha lightly chuckles. "well, your turn." simon smiles at her. alysha sighs, "okay." she nods before getting her phone out of her bag and calling her mum to tell her the news.

alysha puts the phone on speaker phone as soon as her mum answers.

"hi mum." alysha says. "hello dear." her mum replies. "i have something to tell you," alysha begins. "what?" her mum asks. "i'm pregnant. you're gonna be a grandma." alysha smiles. "are you fucking kidding me?" her mum asks, shocked. "no." alysha shakes her head. "and who's the dad?" her mum asks. "simon. you know... mr. minter from heavenly." alysha stutters out. "how the fuck is it his kid?" her mum asks. "we've reconnected." alysha simply says.

simon places his hand on alysha's thigh, letting her know that everything is going to be okay.

"why the fuck didn't you two use a condom?" her mum asks, annoyed. "aren't you happy for me?" alysha asks. "not overly. you're only twenty alysha. you can barely look after yourself." her mum points out. "mum, i have simon, and his friends, and his parents. i'm doing great. i'll be fine." alysha reassures her. her mum sighs, "whatever. gotta go. i'm working." she says before putting the phone down.

"babe," simon mutters out. "i knew she'd be annoyed." alysha sighs. "i'm sure she'll be fine in a bit." simon reassures her. alysha nods, "yeah. you're right."

"shall we tell the guys now?" simon asks. "sure." alysha nods.

P.E. ➮ Simon Minter | Book 2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now