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1 year later: simon's pov

so, gemini is now one years old and that means she's now attending nursery. it's crazy because it feels like she was born not long ago, but it's been a whole year! and i have to say, for a one year old, she's very smart. she can read very well, she can count up to thirty without help, she can name different animals like dogs, cats, lions, tigers, koalas, bears, sharks, etc, etc. oh, and she's trying to learn to play the piano already, thanks to vik of course.

but now, stepping aside from gemini, today is the day that i am hopefully gonna propose to alysha. i'm saying hopefully because i might choke up, or i might just get too nervous, or, i don't know. something bad could happen.

so, thanks to my mum, alysha's mum, freya, emily, katie and josh, i have found the perfect ring to use - which is a beautiful black diamond ring - and i've gotten her to go out with her friends for the day whilst me, and everyone else (the guys, both sets of parents, the girlfriends) to set everything up in the garden; you know, make it look all romantic and shit.

so, thanks to my mum, alysha's mum, freya, emily, katie and josh, i have found the perfect ring to use - which is a beautiful black diamond ring - and i've gotten her to go out with her friends for the day whilst me, and everyone else (the guys, b...

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[a/n] -what the ring looks like ^

[a/n] -what the garden looks like ^

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[a/n] -what the garden looks like ^

"when does aly come back?" vik asks as he finishes hanging the candle lit lights on the trees. "when i tell her too." i smile.

i told her not to come back until i tell her too so that way we'd have more than enough time to get everything ready for the big proposal.

"we need one more light here!" freya yells as she stands by the table which only has one light one, and not two like it's supposed to. "coming!" my mum yells back in response as she walks over to freya with a spare light.

"she's gonna love this." tobi comments as he stands next to me. i sigh, "i hope so." i say. "she will man. trust me." tobi reassures me. i nod, "right. yeah. okay."

"now we just wait for it to get a little darker, and then we're set." josh says as he walks towards me. i smile, "yeah."

P.E. ➮ Simon Minter | Book 2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now