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time skip: evening: alysha's pov

"bye guys." i wave at everyone with a smile. "see you soon." andrew smiles back at me. "see you soon." i nod before walking out of the cafe.

the cold, nighttime breeze hits me immediately, sending a shiver down my back and forcing me to wrap my coat around my body. i let out a sigh as i begin making my way back home, which luckily isn't too far away; only 10 or so minutes away.

cars, buses, vans, bikes, all pass me as i wonder down the familiar path towards my apartment. different faces pass me; their expressions, blank with only the odd hint of happiness or sadness seen. dimly lit streetlights shine down onto the streets below, making it slightly easier for me, and other people to see where we're going.

today's been a good day. a great day actually. i wouldn't change it for the world.

. . .

simon's pov

"you'll never guess who i've seen today." i say as i walk into the kitchen where everyone is. "and hello to you to simon." vik lightly chuckles. "guess who i've seen today." i say as i sit down next to josh. "who?" tobi asks. "alysha." i smile. "as in-" "as in the student i've fucked, yeah." i say, cutting off josh.  "and how is she?" tobi asks. "great actually. she's a changed woman." i say. "how so?" josh asks. "well, she's got a nice job, she's polite, she's closer to her mum." i list a few things. "wow." harry says. "are you sure it's her?" josh asks. i nod, "yes."

"where does she work?" ethan asks. "that new cafe." i smile. "what cafe?" jj asks. "the cafe i've started going to because it's close to work." i say. jj nods, "oh."

"are you two gonna meet up and reconnect sometime?" tobi asks. i nod, "tomorrow at lunch, she's coming to the school." "whose idea was that then?" josh asks. "mine, actually." i say.

"josh, you sound like you don't like her and simon reconnecting." vik points out. josh sighs, "i honestly don't care." "then why're you so annoyed looking all of a sudden?" vik asks. josh rolls his eyes, "i'm fine. i'm just tired." "okay, grumpy." vik sighs.

"well, i think it's lovely that you two are seeing each other again." tobi smiles at me. "thanks man." i nod. "yeah. i mean after all, you have missed her, haven't you." vik says. "yeah. i have." i sigh. "well, when you see her, tell her i said hi won't you." tobi says. i nod, "will do."

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