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1 hour later: simon's pov

message to: aly 💑

you can come back now love :) and don't worry about picking gemini up, my mum's already done that :)

[message sent: 3:10 pm]

"messaged her." i announce as i walk into the kitchen where everyone is. "lets get ready then." freya smiles before heading out the kitchen, and upstairs. "lets do this then." vik sighs as he follows freya out. everyone else just smiles and nods before heading out to get ready. i let out a sigh before heading upstairs to get ready.

message from: aly 💑

finally! i've been wondering around outside for ages! also, i know your mum picked gemini up as when i went to, they told me she's already been picked up by her. but thanks for telling me anyway love :)

[message received: 3:12 pm]

"guys! she's outside!" i yell as i rush out of my bedroom. "oh fuck boy!" josh yells back as he walks out of his room, followed by freya. "tell her to wait a little longer outside." freya says. i nod, "k."

message to: aly 💑

um, can you wait outside a little longer please babe? just need to quickly do something :) trust me, it's worth the wait.

[message sent: 3:14 pm]

message from: aly 💑

fine. but hurry. i'm cold out here.

[message received: 3:14 pm]

message to: aly 💑

i will baby :) just hang in there. i promise it's worth the wait dear :)

[message sent: 3:15 pm]

message from: aly 💑

okay. :)

[message received: 3:15 pm]

"lets hurry up then guys! before she freezes to death!" i yell as i throw my phone on my bed. "yeah, yeah!" everyone yells back in response. i sigh as i grab my clothes that the girls decided i should wear for this, and quickly get dressed.

 i sigh as i grab my clothes that the girls decided i should wear for this, and quickly get dressed

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[a/n] -what simon's wearing ^ (or something similar)

once dressed i rush downstairs where everyone is waiting and ready. "wait in the garden guys." i smile at them. they nod before walking out towards the garden.

message to: aly 💑

you may come in now, my love :)

[message sent: 3:21 pm]

message from: aly 💑

thank fuck for that

[message received: 3:21 pm]

i lightly chuckle as i place my phone in my jackets pocket. i then watch as the front door opens and in comes alysha looking beautiful as always, but wearing something different.

"you've changed your clothes from this morning." i point out. "my friend spilled coffee on me, but luckily i brought this outfit this morning, so i had to awkwardly get changed in some public toilet." she explains. i sigh, "well done."

[a/n] -what alysha's wearing ^ (or something similar)

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[a/n] -what alysha's wearing ^ (or something similar)

"but speaking of outfits. look at you." alysha says as she scans her eyes up and down my body. i smile, "you like it?" i ask. "i love it." she says as she smiles at me. "the girls picked it out for me." i admit. alysha lightly chuckles, "awe, bless." she says.

"anyway, come this way, my love." i say as i hold out my hand to her. "okay." she nods before taking a hold of my hand. i lace our fingers together before guiding her towards the garden where everyone is happily sitting around the table we set up.

"awe," alysha awes as we walk out into the garden, "this is so beautiful." alysha comments as she looks around. i smile, "you like it?" i ask. "i fucking love it." alysha says as she looks up at me. "good." i smile back down at her. "and may i ask why you've done all of this?" she asks as she begins to look around again. "to do this," i say as i get down on one knee. alysha looks down at me and covers her face with her hands. i watch as everyone smiles at us; my mum of course is recording this. "alysha," i mutter gently at her. "yes?" she asks as she removes her hands from her face. "will you marry me?" i ask with a wide smile. she nods, "yes, you dickhead." she says. 

everyone cheers as i stand up and gently slide the ring onto her finger. she then immediately pulls me into a tight hug. i of course hug her back. "i love you simon, you adorable dickhead." alysha mutters into the crook of my neck. i smile, "i love you too, baby." i mutter back before gently kissing her cheek.

P.E. ➮ Simon Minter | Book 2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now