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skipping more boring shit: a few months later: alysha's pov

gemini is now three months old, and she's already able to stand - with some help - and walk - again, with some help.

it's crazy to think that it's already been three months. i mean, it feels like it was only yesterday when gemini was just a young baby, unable to walk or crawl. it's crazy how time suddenly flies by when you've got a child.

also, she looks a lot like simon. she's 100% got his eyes and smile. it's just adorable. also, weirdly, she's got blonde hair which neither me or simon have. i mean sure, simon's dyed his hair a silver/blonde colour, but that doesn't affect what colour hair the baby has. i'm not mad about it, i'm just more surprised by it.

also, the guys have been amazing with her. they love playing with her, and teaching her new things, and they always look so sad when i have to take her home: they always say they don't mind but you can tell that they look a little upset that she's leaving. but soon she won't be leaving as soon we're moving in with everyone. why? because the house is much bigger than my apartment, and she really loves it there so, it's just better if i move in with them.

and of course, simon is an amazing dad. he loves his little girl to the moon and back. she's definitely going to be a daddy's girl for sure. i mean, when he's around, i don't exist unless she's after something, or if we're heading home. i don't mind though. it gives me a break.

i just can't wait to see what the future holds... but all i ask is for gemini to slow down on the growing up. i mean, before i know it, i'll be sending her off to school, and then college, and then university, and then she'll be gone. so please god, make time go a little slower please. thanks.

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