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a few hours later: third person

a few hours have passed and the couple are happily sat in bed, wearing a fluffy onesie, eating chocolate and ice-cream, drinking milkshake, whilst watching stranger things. they sit in silence, occasionally sharing a glance and smile, and taking the odd break every now and then.

"babe, can i ask you something?" simon mutters out, breaking the silence. "sure." alysha shrugs as she glances up at him. simon pauses the t.v. before turning to face alysha. "when are we gonna tell everyone?" he asks. she sighs, "not yet, si." she says. "but soon... right?" he asks. "soon." she nods.

"why don't you wanna tell anyone yet?" simon asks as he turns his whole body to face her. "because, i'm scared of what they're gonna think." alysha admits. "i'm sure everyone'll be happy for us." simon reassures her by kissing her forehead. "that's what i'm hoping for." alysha sighs. "listen, how about we tell everyone after the first scan?" simon suggests. he just wants to tell everyone he's gonna be a dad. alysha pauses for a moment before answering, "okay. sure." she nods. simon smiles at her, "i love you." "i love you too." alysha smiles back at him.

. . .

long ass time skip because i'm skipping all the boring, pointless shit...

alysha's pov

today is the day that me and simon go to the hospital to "see" our baby for the first time, i.e. we're going in for the first scan.

i know that simon is very excited by the fact he hasn't stopped smiling at all today, and by the fact that he keeps going on, and on, and on about it. i find it adorable that he's excited, but it's also annoying, which i keep telling him, but he isn't listening today, so i've given up.

"i'm so excited." simon beams as we wait in the waiting area. i sigh, "as you keep telling me." "but aren't you?" he asks. "of course. but i'm also very tired." i nod. "well, once we're done here, we can go to starbucks if you want." he suggests. i shake my head, "nah. i just wanna go to bed." i say. "fair enough." simon shrugs.

"miss alysh-" "coming." simon smiles at the nurse. we're literally the only people in the waiting room. weird, i know.

i sigh as i stand up, along with simon. the nurse smiles at us as we follow her to the room where they do the scan thing...

"how're you doing today then, miss?" the nurse asks as we walk into the room. "i'm tired, but good thanks." i nod at her. "good." she smiles warmly at me. "if you'd like to lie down on the bed whilst i prepare everything." the nurse instructs as she points to the bed in the middle of the room. i nod as i make my way towards the bed. simon sits on the chair next to me.

i watch as the nurse prepares the equipment next to me. "if you could lift up your top please, miss." the nurse smiles. i comply and lift up my top. i watch as the nurse slathers some gel onto my stomach before placing the thing that lets you see the baby on my stomach.

"and there's your baby." the nurse says as we all look at the screen. "beautiful." simon whispers. i smile, "indeed."

"as you're only twelve weeks pregnant, i unfortunately can't tell what sex the baby is, but when you next come back i will be able to." the nurse tells us. i nod, "that's fine."

"right, i'll get that gel off of you, and then you're free to go." the nurse smiles at me before wiping the gel off of my stomach. "thanks." i smile back at her as i pull my shirt down. i then sit up and watch as the nurse gets the photo of the ultrasound scan and hands it to smile. "thanks." simon nods at her. "you're welcome." she nods back at him.

"lets go then." simon smiles at me. i smile back at him as i stand up, lace our fingers together, and walk out the door and towards the car park to go home.

P.E. ➮ Simon Minter | Book 2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now