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a few hours later: alysha's pov

"i swear those guys love you, you know." simon comments as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind as we look out the window. i lightly laugh, "that's alright. i love them too." "what about me?" simon asks. i look up at him to see him pouting like a little kid. i tut at him as i turn around to face him properly. "i love you more, silly." i smile at him as i wrap my arms around his neck. he smiles back down at me as he pulls me as close as humanly possible to him. "good, because i love you more than ever, as cheesy as it sounds." he mutters before planting a small kiss on my head. i lightly laugh at him, "it sounds pretty cheesy, yes." i say with a warm smile. he lightly chuckles in response.

i let out a sigh whilst smiling before standing on my tip-toes and gently kissing his cheek. i watch as his face turns a slight shade of pink, making me smile more. "you're blushing." i point out. he shakes his head before hiding his face in the crook of my neck, making me laugh. "why're you acting shy all of a sudden?" i ask with a small laugh. "i'm not." i feel him mumble into my neck. "yes you are, silly." i say. he looks at me with a small smile, "no i'm not." he says. i raise an eyebrow at him, "mm, sure." "i wasn't." he pouts. i smile, "sure."

without any warning, simon presses his lips against mine. i take me a moment to register what's going on before happily kissing him back. we then sadly pull away.

"i've missed that a lot." he says, almost like a whisper. i lightly laugh, "me too." i say, looking into his eyes. he looks back into my eyes, and i can immediately tell what's going to happen next...

P.E. ➮ Simon Minter | Book 2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now