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alysha's pov

"alysha, you're on till duty today." my boss, nikita, says with a smile. "cool. i love working at the till." i smile back at her.

ah, yes, i'm a changed person. i actually like socializing with people, and believe it or not, i have friends, and i like my boss. it's a fucking miracle to my mum, and to me. i never thought i'd be able to keep a job, have my own place, or even socialize with other people. it truly is a miracle.

"i know you do, that's why i'm letting you have that as you're permanent spot." nikita smiles. "really? thanks." i beam. "you're welcome." nikita lightly laughs. "now, get to work. customers are coming." nikita orders me. i nod, "yes ma'am."

. . .

as i'm standing behind the till, the door opens. i turn my attention onto the person walking in. i watch as they lift their head up after grabbing their wallet out of their bag. my eyes widen... i recognize him... is that... is that simon?

i watch as he walks over to me with a smile. "hello, my name is alysha. what can i get you today, sir?" i ask politely. 

gotta stay professional you know.

"erm, hi, yes... can i get a large coffee please?" he asks as he looks at the menu above me. i nod, "of course," "anything else?" i ask. "that's it thanks." he nods. "you staying in, or is it to take away?" i ask. "stay in, please." he smiles. "okay." i nod. i punch in the order into the till, "that's £3.20 please, sir." i smile. he hands me a £5 note. i open the till and give him his change. "there you go sir." i smile. "thank you." he nods. "if you'd like to just wait over there, your drink'll be done shortly." i say as i point to the side. "okay, thank you." he smiles before walking off.

. . .

"here's your drink, sir." i smile at him as i hand him his drink. 

annie, who's meant to be making the drinks has had to rush home so i'm having to make drinks and take orders. fucking fabulous i know.

"thank you." he nods. "you're welcome... simon." i say, whispering the last part. "huh?" he hums at me. "oh, nothing." i shake my head. he nods, "okay."

i then watch as he walks away to a table on the other side of the room.

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