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vik's pov

as i'm just finishing some work, my phone begins to buzz. curious as to who's calling me when i'm working, i have a look at the caller id.

caller id:

simon minter

answer or decline

curious as to why he's calling me when he knows i'll be working, i answer.

"hello?" i mutter down the phone. "hi vik!" simon beams back in response. "what do you want? i'm working." i ask as i lean forward, pressing my stomach against my desk. "i have something to tell you, and trust me, you're gonna wanna hear this." simon says, sounding excited. "what?" i ask, curious. "alysha's pregnant! i'm gonna be a dad!" simon cheers.

my eyes widen in shock. "are you serious?" i ask. "yes!" simon beams. "holy fuck." i mutter. i hear simon and aly laugh down the phone. "well, congratulations guys." i smile. "thanks vik!" simon replies. i let out a light chuckle. "well, gotta go. see you soon." i say. "see you soon." simon replies before ending the call.

. . .

jj's pov

"yo, jide," the familiar voice of tobi from behind me catches my attention. i turn around to face him. "sup?" i ask. "simon's on the phone. he wants to tell us something." tobi says. i nod, "okay." i say before following him.

. . .

tobi's pov

"right, everyone's here simon. talk to us." i say as i walk back into harry's office where everyone is; except vik as he already knows. "well, i hope you're all sitting down guys," simon begins. "just tell us." josh sighs. josh is very impatient. "alysha's pregnant! i'm gonna be a dad!" simon cheerily says down the phone. "oh my fucking god." ethan spills out in shock. "no way." harry says. "yes way." simon laughs. "who's gonna be the god father?" jj asks. "you, dickhead." simon says. "cute." josh smiles. 

"how come you told vik first?" i ask. "because i knew he'd be the less busiest. and because alysha felt more comfortable telling him first." simon explains. "awe." ethan coos. "bless." harry smiles.

"do you the sex of the baby?" jj asks. "not yet. we will soon though." simon replies. "you should do a fucking gender reveal thing!" harry blurts out. "oh my god, yeah!" ethan nods. "we'll see." simon laughs.

"well, congrats guys." i smile. "thanks man." simon replies. "don't leave her simon, or i'll kill you." harry says. "i won't. my mum's already threatened me with that." simon says. we all laugh. "i can imagine." jj says.

"well, i'll leave you lot now as you're meant to be working." simon sighs. "bye simon!" ethan yells. "see you soon!" josh says. "see you later!" i randomly wave at the phone. "bye simon." jj says. "peace nerd." harry says, making us laugh. "bye, dickheads." simon chuckles before ending the call.

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