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simon's pov

i sit down with my coffee and sigh.

why do i recognize the woman behind the till? she looks familiar. it's bugging me. and her name is so... so familiar.

it can't be... it can't be alysha can it? i mean, the alysha i knew hated people, was rude to everyone, and looked so fed up with the world. so, surely it can't be her. but she whispered something. it sounded like... like my name...

i sigh again before taking a large gulp of my drink. i look straight ahead at the mysterious, but yet not so mysterious girl behind the till. she looks so much like alysha. it's uncanny.

so, maybe it is? there's only one way to find out.

. . .

alysha's pov

"alysha. you can have a break now." nikita smiles at me. "after this customer, i will." i smile back at her. "okay, dear." she nods before disappearing to the back room.

i look back in front of me to see simon stood there. "oh, hello again sir." i smile at him.

still gotta stay professional, you know.

"ah, hi again." he nods. "what can i get you?" i ask politely. "um, just another coffee please." he says. "small, medium, large or extra larger?" i ask. "large again, please." he says. i nod, "okay." "anything else?" i ask with a smile. "and a piece of chocolate cake, please." he says, pointing at the cake. i nod, "of course." 

"you sitting in or taking away?" i ask. "sitting in, please." he says. i nod, "okay."

"that's £5.40 please." i smile after punching everything into the till. "here. keep the change." simon says as he gives me a £10 note. "you sure?" i ask. "i'm sure." he nods. "okay." i shrug as i put the money into the till. "your order will be with you shortly." i smile at him. "okay." he nods before standing to the side.

. . .

"here you go, sir." i smile at him as i give him his order. "thanks, alysha." he smiles back at me. my eyes widen. "y-you-" "yes aly, i remember you." simon lightly chuckles. "oh my god." i blush.

he fucking remembers me. fucking hell.

"how are you?" i ask. "good, yourself?" he asks. "great, actually." i smile. "good." he nods. "well, as you're sitting in, mind if i join you? i'm on a break now." i ask. "of course." he smiles. i nod, "okay. see you in a second." "see you in a second." he says before heading back to the table he was sat at before.

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