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[a/n] -didn't know what gif to use, so i used a gif of eleven from stranger things :')


a few days later: alysha's pov

a few days have passed since me and simon "reconnected properly" and in those past few days, nothing else has really happened. simon's busy with work, as well as all the other guys, and i've been off work because i've been pretty ill - i.e. morning sickness - i.e. throwing up at between 3 - 5 in the morning for no reason.

i've told simon this and he keeps telling me to see if... you know... i'm pregnant. i told him that there's no way as i'm taking the pill to stop me from getting pregnant as i'm in no way ready for kids, but i'll do has he says just, and i mean JUST in case.

. . .

"right, time to piss on a stick." i sigh as i look at the new pregnancy test stick thing that girls piss on to see if they have a fetus inside of them. sounds both weird and magical. weird in the sense that i'm literally pissing on a object that i usually wouldn't, and magical in the sense that this stick, just by me pissing on it, can tell if i have a fucking fetus inside of me.

. . . skipping all the details about pissing on a stick . . .

after how ever long it takes for this fucking thing to work to see if i'm pregnant or not, i go back into the bathroom - where i obviously did it - and look to see if a - it's worked or not - and b - if it's worked, to see if i'm pregnant or not.

i look at the pregnancy test to reveal that... "fuck. i've got a fetus in me." i blankly announce to myself. "he had to fucking finish in me, didn't he. that cunt." i groan. i blame simon for this. but i also blame the pharmacy as the pills - you know, the pills girls take to stop them from getting pregnant - obviously don't/didn't work.

i sigh as i grab my phone and look at the time. "nearly lunch time." i sigh. "i'll ring simon as soon as it's lunch." i tell myself as i head out the bathroom. "so, until then, time to cry whilst binge watching riverdale and eating ice-cream." i shrug as i make my way downstairs.

. . .

lunch: simon's pov

as soon as i let my students leave for lunch, my phone rings. i sigh as i see who it is ringing me. 

"hello, aly." i say down the phone as soon as i answer it. "h-hi, si..." she mutters. "what's wrong?" i ask, kinda worried as she's been pretty ill. "i have something to tell you." she sighs. "what?" i ask, intrigued. "well, there's no easy way of saying this, but..." she begins. i wait in anticipation. "i'm pregnant." she says. my eyes widen, "r-really?" i ask with a smile. "yes." she says, sounding like she's gonna cry. "awe, baby. it's okay. it's okay." i reassure her. "but i'm scared." she begins crying. "i know baby. i know." i tell her.

"listen, i'm gonna come home and stay with you." i say. "no. you need to work, si." she says. "no. i need to be with you. you know, the mother of my child to be." i say bluntly as i grab my bag. i hear her sigh. "fine." she says. "right. i'll just tell the guys that you're ill if they ask." i tell her. "okay." she says. "alright, i'll see you soon." i smile. "can you bring some ice-cream? i've eaten all of mine." she asks. i lightly laugh, "of course love." i say. "thanks." she sniffs. "alright. i love you." i smile. "love you too." she says. "alright, see you soon." i say. "see you soon." she replies before ending the call. 

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