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skipping boring, pointless shit...

alysha's pov

ah, heavenly. i've missed you... well, kinda. i've mainly missed the people here, like mr. brown, mr. barn, mr. payne, mr. lewis, mr. olatunji, not mr. bradley, and of course, simon.

i sigh as i make my way into the school via the front, main doors that take you to the front, main office. i wait for the doors to close behind me before walking up to the front desk.

i wonder if mr. barn still works here, or is somewhere else in this school. hmm.

i get to the front desk as look straight ahead to see... "well hello alysha." the familiar voice of mr. barn makes me smile. "hello." i smile brightly at him. "and how are you?" he asks. "good thanks," i nod, "yourself?" i ask. "ah, i'm good thanks." he smiles. "glad to hear." i smile back at him.

"so, what can i help you with?" he asks. "well, simon wants me here." i say. "for lunch, right?" mr. barn questions. "did he tell you?" i ask. "indeed." he nods. i smile, "bless." "i'll send someone up to get him for you." mr. barn says before picking up the office phone. "thank you." i nod.

. . .

simon's pov

"oi, minter," the familiar voice of tobi catches my attention. "what?" i ask as i look over at him. "there's a special someone at reception for you." he says. i smile as i know exactly who it is. "tell 'em i'll be down in a sec." i say. tobi nods, "will do."

"who's this special someone then sir?" one of my students asks. i smile down at them, "just someone." "like a girlfriend?" another student asks. "i-i-i... no." i stutter.

she's technically not my girlfriend, but i wouldn't call her my friend. i love her, and she loves me, but we're not official yet. it's complicated.

"don't lie sir!" another student laughs. i sigh, "she's not my girlfriend okay. she's just... someone special to me." i say. "awe!" all the girls coo in unison. i sigh whilst rolling my eyes, "come on now guys, go get changed." i order. everyone cheers before rushing out the gym.

"hurry up minter. i haven't got all day." the familiar voice of alysha catches my attention. i smile at her, "and who let you up here?" i ask. "i think you know who." she smiles back at me. i shake my head and sigh, "come on in then." i say as i walk over to where my bag is. 

"did you tell everyone that i was coming?" she asks as i watch her walk towards me. "maybe." i smile at her as i sit down. "may i ask why?" she asks with a smile as she sits down next to me. "i was happy and excited, okay." i admit. "bless." she lightly laughs.

. . .

alysha's pov

"god i've missed you." simon says as he walks me towards the front, main entrance/exit of the school. "and i've missed you too." i say with a small smile.

as we're walking down the corridor towards the entrance/exit, i feel simon gently grab my hand and intertwine our fingers together, making me smile more, and blush lightly. i look up at him to see him already looking down at me with a warm, loving smile that you can't help but to adore.

"you better call me some time, missy." he says as he looks ahead again. i lightly laugh, "likewise, minter." "and you better visit more often. i've really missed your company." simon says. i nod, "will do when i'm not busy." "good." he flashes me a smile.

"come on you too, time to say goodbye now." mr. barn says as he get to the main office. "shut up, vik." simon says. i lightly laugh at the pair. "and anyway, it's not a goodbye, it's a see you soon. she's not going forever." simon says as he looks down at me again. i smile up at him, "exactly."

"just hurry up simon. you've got a lesson to teach." vik sighs. simon glares at him for a split second before turning his attention back onto me. "i'll see you soon, aly." he smiles at me. i nod, "and i'll see you soon, simon."

he pulls me into a tight, warm hug before kissing the top of my head, making me smile and blush more. we then sadly pull away.

"call me when you get home so i know you're safe." simon says. i nod, "i will. i promise." "good." he smiles. "you better do the same later, minter." i say as i walk backwards towards the door. "i will, dear." he says. i smile, "good."

i then walk out the doors, and head towards my car.

i turn around for a split second to wave at simon, and to cheekily, and jokingly, blow a kiss at him. he laughs as he waves at me. i smile at him before getting into my car and driving off, back home.

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