Chapter Zero

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Beijing, China


Matthew rushed down the sidewalk, moving past the people talking. It was nearly sundown in Beijing, and so lots of people were going to parties. Matthew was grateful that his grandmother had fallen sick in China on Halloween, since most kids didn't "do" trick or treating. This way Matthew could get to his grandmother's home easily.

Matthew broke into a quick jog now; he couldn't waste any time. The only word he had gotten from his grandmother's caretaker was, "Ms. Liu woke up with sickness. Hurry to Beijing now." The woman who took care of Matthew's grandmother, Mingmei Wu, didn't speak English too well, but she knew enough for Matthew to understand her.

Matthew found his grandmother's street, crossing the road to Peaceful Drive. Matthew always liked Chinese street names; they gave him comfort.

Music was blaring from an apartment squished between other's like it. Matthew, knowing some Chinese pop songs, could tell this was a classic by Yao Beina, a deceased Chinese singer.

In Beijing, Halloween was a time to throw parties. Children didn't trick or treat, running down the streets dressed up as ghosts and vampires. Instead, they'd stay home and play games. Matthew grew up in China, so he knew a lot about what they did on Halloween.

Rushing down the street, Matthew stooped in front of his grandmother's apartment. Running up to the door, he opened it, hurrying towards the elevator, pressing the 4.

Waiting impatiently, Matthew glanced at the only other person inside the elevator with him – a young teenager wearing a headband with cat ears on it. She had earbuds in, a silver phone in her hand.

The elevator stopped, and the girl got out on the second floor. Matthew watched as an old couple walked in the elevator, holding hands.

The man mumbled something in Chinese, and Matthew recognized it as, "happy Halloween." Matthew nodded at him with respect, saying the same phrase back. The old man smiled, then began to talk to his wife as Matthew walked to the other side of the elevator.

After thirty seconds or so, the elevator came to the fourth floor, stopping in its slow tracks. Matthew ran out, looking for her room.

Finally, he stopped in front of the door, bursting in.

A group of guys were sitting on a couch, watching a horror movie with two girls, who were barely dressed. The girls were between all of the guys.

Matthew held up his hands, muttering, "sorry," in Chinese as he backed out of the room. When he shut the door quietly, Matthew noticed that the paint reading the room number had chipped a bit so he thought it said 431 when it really said 437.

Walking back down the hall, Matthew stopped in front of his grandmother's room, positive it was really hers.

After trying to open the door, realizing it was locked, Matthew knocked softly, then waited. Heavy footsteps sounded, coming closer to Matthew.

Mingmei opened the door. "Come, Matthew. Grandmother... is sick. You arrived just in time, very important." She let Matthew in, shutting the door behind him.

She stepped aside to reveal the grandmother lying in bed.

Matthew gasped. "Grandmother!" he exclaimed, running towards her.

Ms. Liu cried, tears running down her white cheeks. Her veins were black and stuck out in a way that Matthew didn't think was natural. Even though Matthew hadn't visited in several months, he was sure Ms. Liu's nails couldn't have grown that long. They were at least an inch past her fingers! Matthew was no doctor, but he couldn't feel his grandmother's heartbeat, almost like she was dead.

Matthew, with tears in his eyes, looked up at Mingmei, who stood against the door. "How did this happen?"

Mingmei shrugged. "Woke up like this. I got back from grocery store... she look like this. Right after nap she look like this."

Matthew got off his knees, now standing over his grandmother, who was now fully awake.

"Matthew," she spat, like the name disgusted her. She spoke Chinese with an angry tone, telling Matthew that his English mother decided on the name, and that she now hated the woman for choosing a name that doesn't contribute to their Chinese Culture.

Matthew smiled a little bit. "You wanted to name me , remember?"

His grandmother grinned, black teeth showing. Matthew almost jumped, shocked that something could change her so much. "Yes, Xiao-Long. Xiao-Long is name. Xiao-Long... always was name."

Matthew grinned. His grandmother always called him Xiao-Long, for that was what she and his father wanted to name him. The name meant, "man." Ms. Liu wanted a strong name, unlike, "Matthew," which means, "gift of God." Ms. Liu wanted to raise Matthew under her Buddhist ways, but was stopped by his mother, Annalise. Annalise was the kind of woman who would stop at nothing to get her way.

"Yes," he said, taking his grandmother's hand. "Xiao-Long is my name."

Mingmei rolled her eyes sarcastically, smoothing her short black hair, which stopped at her shoulders. "Matthew, worry not. Doctor said she be fine if she takes her pills."

Ms. Liu let go of her grandson's hand, grabbing her glass cup on her nightstand, which was filled with herbal tea. "HIS NAME XIAO-LONG!" she yelled, hurling the glass at Mingmei.

Ducking out of the way, Mingmei shook her head, walking towards Ms. Liu. "Miss, you get rest, feel better tomorrow." She pulled the white blankets further over Matthew's grandmother. Turning to the grandson, Mingmei smiled understandingly. "You should go. Now. She be better in morning." Reaching for something in her handbag, Mingmei looked down at her purse until she pulled out a key. "This my house. I stay here tonight, so I no need it. Go there. Ni steal my stuff, but you may take food in fridge. Couch is ready for sleep. Go." She patted Matthew on the back, pushing him out the door. "Have happy Halloween," she finished with a smile, slamming the door.

Matthew gripped the key in his hand, walking back down the hall towards the elevator. On his way, he passed by many rooms that were playing music.

So many parties, he thought, shaking his head with laughter.

Then Matthew remembered his grandmother. She looked like she was dying. But it was strange, like Mingmei didn't even notice. She barely cared, almost looking bored.

She's probably just had a long day. Matthew walked inside the elevator, standing across from a guy on his phone, texting someone. Matthew caught a glimpse of a text, backing away quickly. It was obvious he was texting a girl, because no one else would say what he said to anyone else.

The next morning, when Matthew came back to his grandmother's apartment, he found that she was nowhere to be seen. Mingmei wasn't anywhere, either.

Most people would call the police if such a thing happen, but Matthew didn't even feel worried. For some reason, he felt like he and his grandmother were far, far away. It felt like she didn't matter to him anymore.

Matthew flew back to London later that day, not thinking about his grandmother ever again...

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