Chapter Twenty Three

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It was the day of the Miami charity ball. Checking my watch, I squinted to see the black numbers in the darkness. 6:03.

The blankets had been kicked off in the night. Even though it was mid-November, the apartment was very hot. I wished they would just get the air conditioner fixed, I thought, rolling over in bed.

6:04. I could hear the rain outside. Great, I thought, another day of rain...

I had this strange feeling – I was awake, but it felt like I couldn't get out of bed. It was as if I was still in a dream and I wasn't allowed to wake up yet.

6:05. Not wanting to get up, I closed my eyes, sitting up to make sure I wouldn't fall back asleep. With my legs crossed, I sat on the blanket-less bed, rubbing my eyes. Looking around the room, I was glad that I had 20x20 vision or I'd have to put on glasses. In seventh grade, my mom had taken me to the eye doctor after I complained about having headaches. But the doctor said that I had the best vision she had ever seen a kid my age with and the headaches were a mystery to her.


Thunder boomed from the clouds, sending water onto the streets of Miami. Checking the weather on my phone, I groaned when I saw that there would be nothing but rain for the next two days. The temperature was 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

I longed for the November nights back in London. It would get down to thirty degrees, sometimes. There was this coffee stand outside the theatre, so whenever Lilly and I had to walk to a dress rehearsal, we'd grab a cup of hot coffee. It always tasted best in the snow, when flakes would stick to the rims of the Styrofoam cup and sparkle in your drink.

Looking across the dark room, I watched the still shadows in the corners. I did this about ten minutes until my phone vibrated.

It was Jake calling from New York. The time zones are the same, so it was 6:14 there, too.

I didn't want to answer the phone; I don't know why I did. It was like there was a small voice inside telling me that it would be a good call, that Jake wouldn't be such a... Jake.

"Hello?" I said, my voice sounding groggier than I expected. It was the first time I had said a word that morning, and first morning words are always weird.

"What up, Will?" He paused, laughing a bit. "I had this party last night and Joe is saying that all I talked about last night was you. You should come over, you said you would be there tomorrow. So, you comin'?"

I sighed. "Um, I'm kind of busy..."

Jake interrupted, "cool, swing by tomorrow. You remember where my apartment is?"

"Not rea-"

"Sure, cool. Swing by and ring me up, brother!"


I sighed once again. I had completely forgotten about my visit tomorrow.

Knowing I had to tell Candi I'd be gone, I got out of bed, dressed into a pair of black jeans and a red shirt, and walked out into the living room, glancing at the couch where Candi slept.

I couldn't tell if she was sleeping or not – the white sheet completely covered anything. The only way I could tell if she was there was if the sheet moved or rippled.

But it stood still. I had a worried, sickening feeling in my gut, like I'd pull off the sheet and someone would be there, Arianna or maybe worse...

I began to trudge towards the couch, knowing that I had to check if Candi was still sleeping.

The white sheet slowly started to move, as if someone was lifting it up from the inside.

Suddenly, a voice came from the kitchen. "Will!"

I screamed a little, jumping at least three feet in the air. Candi stood in the kitchen, holding a dark brown mug with a tea bag on the counter. She dipped the teabag in and stirred, smiling.

"Sorry," she said small, smiling, "I didn't mean to scare you."

I sighed, wiping a bit of sweat off my forehead. "It's cool."

Candi's smile stayed on her lips. "Today's the Miami charity ball," she grinned, taking a sip of some tea. "You excited?"

I pursed my lips, sighing. "I have to leave."

Candi frowned. "What? Will-"

"It's my annual visit to New York," I explained before she could start asking questions. "My brother's been bugging me. Every year I come down to NYC and stay in his apartment for a couple of days."

Candi looked down into her mug. "Oh," was all she said.

I let out a weak smile. "Sorry. It's just... Jake won't stop calling me and..."

This time Candi was the one to cut me off. "Can I come?" Her grey eyes were big, like puppy dog eyes.

I smiled a little. Apparently, she thought my smile was the, "don't put me in this position, I don't want to say no to you," face, so she started to look down, stirring her cup of tea a bit more.

"I mean, it's okay..." she started, her pink hair covering her face, "I didn't mean it... it's okay..."

I shook my head. "I was going to say that I'd love for you to come, but..."

Candi's whole face lit up. "Oh, really? Oh my God! That's amazing! I love you!" She ran up to me, then her face tensed up. Candi took a few steps backwards, her eyes darting away from mine. "Um, I mean I'd love to go to New York.

I smiled a little, because that was when I realized it. I thought to myself, feeling myself blush a little.

I love you, too.

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