Chapter Fifty Four

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Blood began to slowly pour out of a wound formed in Candi's chest, right below her heart.

Oh god... I thought, running towards her. I caught her right before she hit the ground, holding her in my arms. I started to cry out, screaming, "help!"

But no one


was there. Nobody

(could help me)

heard my cries.

I felt a tear trickle down my cheek as I whispered, "Candi..."

Candi's eyes, staring right at me, were smiling at me, though she wasn't. "Will... I'm so sorry..."

More tears followed. No! I screamed in my head. Candi, don't die... please stay with me. I can't live without you.

Yes you can't live without her your mind will be weak then we will feed we'll fucking FEED!!!

I closed my eyes, a headache growing. The dark voice speaking to me left, but its words remained in my head, haunting me.

Your mind will be weak...

Candi's tears flowed out of her eyes, clouding the grey in the center. Warm blood now covered my hands, moving up from my wrists to my arms.

I had to finish my proposal. "Candi," I started, not wanting to waste time, "will you marry me?" Reaching for the black box in my pocket, I let go of her body for a split second, using my left arm to support her, lying there, staining the grass red.

Candi coughed, more tears flowing down her soft, pale cheeks.

"Candi?" I sniffed, wiping away tears with my shoulder, then turning my head back to her. Our noses were less than a foot apart, but I knew now wasn't a good time to kiss her....

...but I wished it was...

The girl I had fallen in love with, the young woman who would be dead in less than a minute, said only one thing. "Without color, life has no meaning." She closed her eyes, then opened them again, trying her best to stay awake.

To stay alive.

I let out a shaky breath, teardrops falling onto her white sweater, now stained red. "And without meaning, life has no color." I let go of the velvety box, smoothing a chunk of pink hair out of her face. The blood on my hands colored her hair from cotton candy pink to a deep, threatening red.

For the first time, I could see the tiny blonde, natural roots of her hair. Just like Lilly's, I thought, tears running down my face.

Just like a song, I thought, it all has to end sometime.

I caught a glimpse of her grey eyes for the last time before her pale lids closed and she let out a final exhale.

"I love you," I breathed, shaking. I held Candi's limp body in my arms, knowing she wasn't going to reply.

Fast chirping in the trees above me. I looked up to see a brown song sparrow sitting on a high branch, singing to the cold autumn sky.

Looking back to Candi's face, I placed a hand over her nose.

No breath.

In that moment, I knew Candi was gone.

And she was never coming back.

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