Chapter Forty One

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Being back at the apartment felt weird, yet normal. It felt like I lived there, but I wasn't supposed to be there.

I was supposed to be


in New York with Candi. I knew it, she knew, the whole goddamn world knew it.

Sighing, I sat on the edge of my bed, running my hands through my hair. It was 7:30 in the morning, Candi was making herself breakfast, and I was stuck in my room, hearing voices in my head.

Everyone's going to die, William...

...we've taken care of the crazy girl... all that's left is you...

Candi's light, sweet voice cut through the dark, demonic whispers that floated around my mind. "Will, I made some salad!"

I smiled. Standing up from my bed, I started to walked out of my room into the kitchen. "Coming," I called, realizing that I was still in my pajamas. Whatever, I thought, I've got two and a half hours before I leave for work.

Candi smiled, sitting at the island counter top in the middle of the kitchen. I noticed that she had cleaned the kitchen since we arrived last night. Probably this morning, I thought to myself before sitting down and digging into my breakfast.

Half an hour later, Jake called.

"Hello?" I asked, slipping on my Starbucks uniform.

I heard a cluster of voices in the background. Jake sighed. "Hey, bro. I'm sorry."

Frowning, I felt confused. "What? Jake, where are you?" The background sounds got noisier, and I could make out someone shouting.

Another sigh. "I'm so sorry. You were right." After a moment of pausing, Jake continued. "I got arrested yesterday. You were right, it was stupid. I tried to steal that shitload of copper wire with Joe and the guys and we got caught. I'm at the Westchester County Jail." Another pause, then sobs. Jake was crying. "I'm such an idiot... I don't even know why I did it!"

My stomach twisted. I don't think I had heard Jake cry before. Not knowing what to say, I simply asked, "how long are you in prison?"

Jake sniffed. "A year."

Suddenly, I heard a gruff voice in the background snap, "Harker, time's up."

Quietness filled the air on the other line. Finally, Jake apologized, "sorry, bro, I gotta go."

I smiled a little. "I understand. Goodbye."


Click. I turned off my phone. Jake is in jail... I thought. All of these feelings were crowding my brain, so I ignored them and left the kitchen to get dressed.

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