Chapter 28 ~ Jerome

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~~~{Destiny's P.O.V}~~~
(three weeks later)

"Jerome's coming soon!" Mitch cheered. I stopped trying to text Brittany, confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He's going to be coming out of the hospital!" Mitch yelled.

I looked away guiltily. I hadn't thought about Jerome in a while. I forgot he almost got put in a coma. Now everything came rushing back to me.

"That's great!" I answered with fake enthusiasm. I wanted to curl up into a ball inside. What type of best friend would forget that you almost died?

"Do you want to come to the hospital with me to get him?" Mitch asked.

"Oh, uh, no thanks." I stuttered, then lied, "I have to upload a video today. I haven't already."

I was supposed to be uploading daily, but I didn't really. I didn't after my sister committed suicide and was in the hospital for two days, and I didn't while I was kidnapped. I don't know how everyone manage two to three videos a day.

I did update today already, though, so I had to lie my way out of getting Jerome.

"Okay!" Mitch smiled cheerfully and walked out to his car.

I walked to the kitchen and started rummaging through the fridge. Finally, I found some parmesan cheese, already graded. It was all the way at the back of the fridge.

I pulled out a handful and started eating the little pieces of cheese.

There's nothing wrong with eating cheese. It might not be the healthiest, but it sure does taste good. Who says cheese has to be with something else, anyway?

"What are you doing, Destiny?" Adam asked, just as I was eating the last couple pieces of cheese. I turned around to see him and another girl.

"Eating cheese." I answered. "Who's with you?"

"Oh, this is...this is Heather."

"Sup, Heather!" I waved at Heather and smiled.

"Sup, Destiny!" She answered.

My smile grew wider. "You're a fan of Cry too?"

"Yup!" She giggled.

"What is this?" Adam fake pouted. "Are you cheating on me with another YouTuber, Heather?"

Heather giggled again and smiled. "Fortunately, no."

Before Adam could respond, I butted in. "You two are dating?"

Adam and Heather blushed carnation pink. They didn't say anything.

"You two are dating?" I repeated.

"Uh...." Heather looked at Adam. "Yeah..."

"OMG WHEN DID YOU TWO START DATING?!" I yelled just as the door opened and Mitch and Jerome stepped in.

Mitch stared at Adam. "You're dating her?!"

Heather's blush deepened. "We were planning on keeping it secret, but I guess so..."

"Aww, I'm happy for you!" Mitch smiled at Adam playfully. "I thought you would be forever alone!"

Adam laughed. "I missed you Jerome! How are you?"

"I'm okay. I should go easy on my shoulder, though, there are a couple torn ligimements. I can't drive because it might make the injury worse. I'm okay with playing video games, but I should just make one video a day, like you do, Destiny."

"I'm glad you didn't have to get put in a coma," I smiled, glad one of my friends was okay.

Jerome frowned. "I almost got put into a coma?"

"They didn't tell you?" I asked, shocked.

Jerome rolled his eyes. "Obviously."

"They said that if you woke up and the pain was too much, then you would have to be put in a coma," I said measuredly.


"I'm glad you got better, Jerome!" Heather said suddenly. "Adam told me about what happened. I'm sorry it had to be that way."

"Oh it's okay." Jerome smiled weakly. "And your name is...?"

"Heather Fox."

"Oh. I'm Jerome, as you know, and that thing is Mitch." Jerome pointed at Mitch, and Mitch pretended to be offended.


"Just kidding." Jerome smiled, then he remembered something. "Where's Alia?"

"She's at her house, why?" I asked.

"I want to see her." Jerome smiled again, remembering Alia.

I remembered that Jerome must not have seen Alia for more than three weeks, since he wasn't allowed to have visitors.

I glanced at Mitch. "Mitch, can you take him there? I'm busy."

Mitch opened his mouth to respond, but Jerome interrupted, "Why can't you take me there? Not to be rude."

"My sister, Lily. You know her, right?" Jerome nodded. "Cool. So, Lily, she couldn't take the pain of losing her boyfriend. She really loved him, and she said they were dating for over two years. She really wanted to see him, so she jumped off of a bridge. Adam saved her, and that's how he met Heather. I visited her every day since I found out, and I just brought her home yesterday. I have to check on her. I have to go with her everywhere, because she's really depressed. She didn't want anyone to save her. I think she's homesick for Brian. She's still in shock because she didn't know why Brian would commit a crime. I have to go with her everywhere because she might try to kill herself. I have to check on her and make sure she's not dead."

Jerome stared at me in shock, unable to speak. Finally, he found his voice and said, "Oh...that's horrible. Tell her...tell her I hope she finds the meaning of life again."

I nodded. "I will. I've got to go now. See you guys. Wait. Mitch, you'll take Jerome, right?"


"See you." Jerome smiled, probably daydreaming about seeing Alia again.

"See you." Adam said.

"See you!" Mitch yelled.

"Nice meeting you Destiny! I hope we can talk more later!" Heather waved.

"See you guys."

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