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Ok so this is just me decidebing the characters witch is Dark Mark me/you Anti Wilfored google and glitch so you can understand more

Darks gay and loves Mark and at one point liked Googleplier to.

Dark has a few kinks such as: being dominated, and blindfolding Mark.

Dark has never dated until Mark.

Really smart.

He's not ticklish.

Dark likes to be in quite places, he likes reading, singing in the shower but only when it's just mark in the house, he used to like to annoy mark but stopped since he fell in love with him.

Dar loves his friends but doesn't show it.

He likes the color blue and red

He also loves chocolate and his favorite food is Fish with a side of potatoes.

He likes to be in control of things.

Dark likes video games just like Mark

He only wears his suit on special occasions, or when he goes outside.

Dark likes cold weather but likes staying g inside during it wrapped up in his blankets.

Dark has Certain powers like the snapping his fingers, when he does that he can change his clothes like how he did and fix things that are either a mess or are broken he can also heal scratches, broken bones, or pretty much anything of the sort. It takes away alot of energy so he only does that it it's important.

Dark loves his hair and is always making sure it's perfect.

He's a neat freak.


Wilfored is straight (unless your a guy)

He always dresses up no matter the occasion.

He likes cat, but never thought of it being a relationship besides friends with benefits (witch hasn't happened)

His favorite colors are pink and purple

He has a sweet tooth.

His favorite food is pie and he loves any type of pie.

He likes messing with Marks head as a game of his.

Although he is marks alter ego he doesn't really like video games but he will play them.

Wilfored enjoys seeing people happy.

He loves to flirt with Cat

He thinks of Dark as a brother.



Has a huge sweet tooth.

Favorite food is vanilla cake with chocolate frosting.

His favorite color is red and dark green.

He loves Cat to death and will do anything to keep her happy.

He hates Wilfored but no one really knows it.

You will mostly see him in the same clothes as jacks videos but he does wear other clothes.

He cares for jack when he's sick and loves him as a brother but hates him at the same time, he doesn't want anyone to know he loves him like that.

Even opposites Can Love [markiplier x darkiplier]Where stories live. Discover now