the end?

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Darks pov:
I felt like i should go right so i did. It lead me into a forest where animals we're running around. The forest was very beautiful. The leaves were green and the birds we're chirping. Theres even a little stream running threw the forest. I started walking slower smelling the flowers and petting the raccoons that ran by. I kept walking threw the green forest.
About an hour later i made it threw i never thought it was going to end!
I checked the time seeing it was 9:46 fuck! I started Sprinting i ran threw another gate past another garden and to another gate i fell over panting. Its 10:00 now. I felt dizzy, not because i was running i dont know why tho.
I stood up and looked around theres a hudge water fountain the ground was grass and trees were everywere with all kinds of fruit on them. I kept looking when i seen someone. Mark?
"Mark!" I yelled sprinting to him.
I tackled him to the ground and he looked at me confused before smiling. I stood up and pulled him with me.
"Come on mark i can Finnaly get you out of here lets leave!" I started to pull him but he wouldn't move.
I turned around looking at him.
"Leave?" He asked.
"Yes leave! Lets go we need to get you back in your body before 12 remember?"  I said annoyed.
"But Dark i dont want to leave."
"What?? Your joking come on!" I pulled him again till he pulled his arm away.
"I said no. I like it here its peaceful i feel happy. My friends are here. I missed them."
I stood puzzled.
"No. Mark we need to go let's go." I said.
"Don't you understand Dark i want to be here i like it here!" He said backing away from me.
"Mark you want to go home this place is making you think bad come on mark! Im your boyfriend dont you love me don't you trust me mark!? Come back home! What about chica and your other friends! Your mom! What about me! If you stay i will die and we will never see another again!"
I started to yell i didnt want him to stay i need him with me i cant live without him.
"Dark just relax-"
"Relax!? My boyfriend is saying he wants to die instead of live! Mark your not thinking straight!"
"I dont want to go home!"
"Yes you do!" I screamed.
"You dont know what i want!" He started to tear up.
"Mark please don't cry just come on come home." I said trying to calm down and not punch him in the face.
"I am home i feel safe here i feel happy.."
I grabbed him throwing him over my shoulder he screamed but i told him to shut up. I checked the time. 10:12 now i got 2 hours to get him back. I ran faster then any human could i dont know why i didnt do this in the first place. When i crossed the gate mark was in he seemed more willing to go. Must have been a calming room.
I got to the gate it was 11:30. I still got time.
I walked up to the gate to see an angel watching me. I was about to walk past the gate but 2 angels stopped me.
"Why do you have a soul, Light?" The taller one asked.
"Uh there has been a mistake of souls im taking this one back where it belongs sir."I said sweating a bit.
"Ok Light. You smell weird tho." The smaller one said with a disgusted face.
"Im sorry i got in a fight with a demon on earth."
"Oh." The taller one said.
"I really need to go." I said trying to push past the angels.
"Can we check this soul?" The taller one asked.
"I-i already did sir. I need to get him back soon or he'll stay here forver." I said
"Are you lying, Light?" The smaller one asked.
"No i would never!" I said offended.
"Let us check the soul light." The taller one said.
I dont know what to do so i ran.
"Get him!" The smaller angel yelled.
"That isint light its a demon!" I heard someone yell.
I sprinted across the yard doging people i was almost to the gate when i got tackled to the ground. Marks soul fell from my hands
(Marks soul is now a ball of light)
I pushed them off it was that girl i saw earlier. She kicked me down amd held me there with a spear.
"Who are you!?" She yelled.
"Im lights brother please let me go!!" I said putting my hands up.
"Why should I!?"
"Cause if you dont Light will die!"
She looked worried and scared.
"Thats marks soul i need to get it back to him!"
"I.." She looked to the side seeing the angels running over.
She let me up. I picked marks soul up and ran with it past the gate and jumped in the clouds. Holding mark close to me. I landed right back in my circle holding mark.
Light immediately grabbed mark and put his soul in him. Mark didn't move.

"You took to long."

*time skip a month later marks funeral*

Darks pov:

I stood over marks grave in the rain tears streaming dowm my face. The other ipliers gathered behind me talking but i couldn't hear anything but the rain. My mind felt blank my heart feels empty. Im still alive, i dont know how but i wish i wasint. I couldn't tell the fans what happend so i pretend to be Mark. His family knows. They hate me now. I wish it was me who died, not Mark. Light put his arm on my shoulder.
"Why couldn't i have been the one to die and not him."
"It wasint meant to be i guess Dark."
"Is Mark in heaven?" I asked.
"Yes. Hes with his family-"
I bursted into tears i fell against light covering my face. I couldint breath i didnt want to move i dont want to be alive anymore i wish i was dead i wish mark was alive.
"I want mark back!" I screamed.
Light hugged me as i fell to my knees. I felt weak unable to move. The month hes been gone felt like a nightmare. The other ipliers came over and hugged us. I never thought id see Light cry.

I heard a bell ring. I ignored it till is started to ring hella loud. I looked over seeing the bell ring that was attached to marks grave. I ran over breaking the door to see mark coughing.
"Wtf!" He said.
I pulled him out onto the wet grass and hugged him.
"Mark!" I yelled.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"Mark? Its me Dark!" I said.
"Ya i know im just messing with you."
I punched his side but continued to hug him.
"This lady grabbed me and threw me here."
Mark said.
"Oh. Angela." Light said.
All the ipliers tackled Mark except host of cource.
"MARK WE MISSED YOU" dreamiplier screamed.
I smiled wiping my tears away.
Even Anti and..fancy hugged mark.
I grabbed him away from everyone and started kissing him. He squeezed me a bit to hard. Hes not used to his strength yet of being immortal. I hugged him tighter then ever.
"I love you Mark"
"I love you to Dark"

*time skip 2 years later*
Me and mark got married and have been very happy. I walked down staires seeing mark in the kitchen. I walked up and kissed his cheek he giggled that adorable laugh of his. Every thing has been going fine. Mark has 30 million subs now and the ipliers visit more often even light. I picked mark up and set him on the counter.
"Hows our little girl going?" I said feeling his stomach.
He giggled and so did I.
I love him.

Ok! So theres the end of 'even opposites can love' this was a strange fan fiction it was just a mess and everywere lol if you have any questions just ask.
(also dont ask how marks pregnant...use your imagination)

Even opposites Can Love [markiplier x darkiplier]Where stories live. Discover now