first day of school

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My dad, Mark, made me breakfeast and packed me a lunch for school, im really nervous about going. At least Anti will be with me! I walked over to Anti whos talking to my dad, Dark.
"How about this." Anti said.
He changed his looks into a younger version of himself. (Pic above i tried lol)
I looked at him and blushed.
"That will work." My dad said and looked at me.
"Ready?" He asked.
I said yes and he gave me my class schedule.
Anti grabbed my hand and walked me over to my dads car. We got in and he started driving me to my school.
"If you need anything call me ok?" My dad said.
I nodded and held my backpack on my lap.
"I haven't been to school for years!" Anti said and looked at me.
"Its the opposite for me." I said.
"Don't be nervous, you'll be fine!" He said and smiled at me.
Once we got to the school i said bye to my dad and walked to the office with Anti to get my uniform. I changed into mine in the bathroom, and Anti made an outfit appear on him.
'First class is math.' I thought and started walking to the class.
I got lost at first but found the class, i sat in a seat and put my backpack next to my chair.
"Hello class, my name is, Mr. Miles. When you hear your name say 'here' "
He started calling out names and he said mine.
"Here." I said and grabbed my tie nervously.
He got threw all the names and told us to fold these papers into 8 squares, witch i did.
Anti folded 12 tho but at least he tried.
After the class the teacher handed out some folder thing and i walked to my next class, art.
The teacher introduced herself as Ms. Carla, she made us get into groups that she picked. I didn't get a group with Anti witch made me a bit nervous, but most of my group was girls.
"Ill make the little gate!" A girl said.
She has short brown hair that is shaved on the sides, shes wearing the other uniform.
"I can help." I said and started gluing popsicle sticks together.
She smiled and sat closer to me.
"Are you new here?" She asked looking at me with her very dark green eyes.
"Ya, i am. My name is Leila."  I said and looked at her.
She smiled.
"Im Ashley, but i prefer Ash." (If your name is Ashley then ig your Leilas school partner)
She shook my hand and started gluing the sticks together.
"Fuck." The boy who im pretty sure is named Thomas said. He broke the roof.
This other girl in our group flicked his head.
"Whats your next class?" Ash asked.
"Science." I said.
"I have the same class next to!" She said.
I laughed a bit.
I showed her my schedule and we have every class together except math.
I looked over at Anti who already finished his little house. His group had all boys in it and he seemed kinda annoyed. One of them kept looking at me so i looked away.
After we finished the project my group said since im new i can take the house home, the teacher gave me a box to put it in, so i could safely put it in my backpack.

....(time skip last class.)

Im in the middle of my last class witch it history, i honestly dont care about it at all. Ash was talking to me the whole time and the teacher was really chill so he didn't seem to care. No one was really paying attention.
The boy that was looking at me earlier was in the seat next to me. Ash started talking to someone els and then he called me over.
"So your new?" He said and looked me up and down.
"Um, ya i am." I said and turned my body to face him.
"My name is Milo." He shook my hand.
Hes wearing the school uniform but he had a hoodie over his dress shirt. Hes wearing combat boots that somhow match the outfit. His hair cut is like ashes but his was longer,
He had eyeliner on that made his very dark blue eyes stand out.
"Im Leila." I said.
He smirked a bit and i grabbed my tie.
"Hey, do you wanna hang out after school?"
Its my first time talking to him and he wants me to hang out with him.
"I have to get home, my dad is strict and picks me up after school." I said.
He nodded.
"Strict parents are the worst." He said and flicked a paper ball at someone.
"We can hang out tomorrow then, tell him not to pick you up or something and say you'll walk home with your brother."
"Brother?" I was confused.
He pointed at Anti who had his feet up on the desk and a lollipop in his mouth.
"O-oh ya. Sure."
Ash pulled me towards her and she started talking about how boring this class was. A few minutes after the bell rang and i said bye to Ash, i went to say bye to Milo but he was gone.
Anti pulled me outside and to the car where my dad was. My dad, Dark gave me a small hug and opened the door for me. I sat in the car and he started asking how my day was.

If you want me to make more of those sorta creepy portrait things so you know what the characters look like just say so there kinda fun to make!

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