flirting and teasing and the googles.

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As you can tell by the name this chapter is gonna be Dark and Mark messing with each other.. And a little more so kinda ⚠ warning ya.

Marks POV still:

I woke up feeling better but a bit drowsy.
I sat up and Darks arms slumped to his side. I looked at him and he was drooling.
'Cute'. I thought.
I got up heading to the bathroom to do my business. I washed and dried my hands before walking out of the bathroom. I heard some yelling and a crash. I looked over the railing and seen Cat running from Dark and Chica following them. I smiled. They ran up the stairs Cat ran by me saying hi and before Dark could I grabbed him by his suit, that he looked rather hot in. He looked at me.
"Ugh I almost had her!"
"And if you did get her what would you do?" I said smirking at him.
"Beat the shit outta her. "
"Sure you would Dark, all you would do would yell at her. "
He huffed. I kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair. After I messed his hair up he immediately went back to fixing it.
"You just had to do that hu?" He says
I just laughed. I wrapped my arms around Darks waist, he wrapped his arms around my waist to. I started moving my hands into his pamts. I put my left hand on his ass and my other hand palming his member, he winced but started letting out really quite moans.
"Your sick.. " He said closing his eyes.
"I feel better, a little. "
I started reachingy hands into Darks boxers, I heard a door being opened and quickly pulled my hands out and kissed Darks head as Anti came walking past us giving a little wave. I winked at Dark as I started walking away. I suddenly yelped as Dark slapped my ass. I looked at him and he winked straightend his suit and walked past me. I rubbed my butt and followed him downstairs. As we reached the end of the stairs I seen someone I havint seen in a little while. Google. He was sitting on the couch with Cat on his lap who I thought was downstairs.
"Uh hey Google long time no see. " I said waving.
He tried standing up but she pushed him back down and started biting his neck.
"Ya M-Mark it's been exactly 1 month and 3 w- weeks. " He said stuttering cause of the girl who was messing with him.
"Not that long but still. " I said sitting next to him.
"Give me your phone! " Google said annoyed.
"Fine fine. " Cat said jumping off of him and walking away.
"Always works. " He said with a smirk.
I laughed.
"So why are you here?" I asked.
"I have an upgrade that I can not get, unless you approve. I tried to get it myself but do not know your email password.
"Oh.. Let me get my laptop and ill get you that upgrade. " I said heading upstairs.
I went inside my room opening my drawer and grabing my laptop. Somone grabbed my waist and I turned around to see Dark.
"Um, hi. " I said.
He turned me around and I set the laptop back in the drawer.
"Dark I need to-" I was cut off by Dark pushing me up against the wall. He covered my mouth with one hand and pressed himself against my back. He stuck his other hand down my pants gripping me. He pulled my bottom half back making making me stick my butt out to him. I tried opening my mouth to tell him to stop but he just pressed against my mouth more. He gabed my bottom half making me squirm aka grind against him.
He let out a soft moan. He started rubbing me. I relaxed liking the feeling and started moaning into his hand. Right when he knew I started liking it he stopped everything and casually walked out.


Darks POV:

I watched as Mark gave google an upgrade. Now there's 4 of em. They all smirked and looked at each other. I heard a squeal and seen Cat run over hugging all of them.

"Red is your anger, smarts, and loyalty. yellow is your annoying.. Sexual.. side that does whatever he wants and doesn't listen to anyone. So he's like a teenager you. And green is your joyful and sadness. " Mark said.
Google nodded.
"Whatever." Yellow said walking down the Hall.
"HAHA thanks Mark! " Green said.
"Hm nice. " Red said.
"I like the yellow one! " Cat chanted.
"Does that mean you don't like me?" Green said with a sad expression.
"No I like you to. " She said making him smile.
The yellow one came back and Cat just ran up to him jumping on him making him catch her. Then she just kept kissing him.
"Does that mean this one is a teen? " Cat asked.
"Mentally yes. Physically kinda.. " Google said pulling up a screen.
"Yellow is a teenager that may be why his facial features are slightly different. "
(Pic above is what yellow looks like but with yellow eyes shirt and hair.. Oook? Sorry if you don't like it..)
"So if he's also your sexual like side.. Hm" Cat said running her hands threw the AIs hair.
"Yes I am googles teenage like side, and his annoying side. " Yellow said with a smirk.
"Ya annoying, like you, Cat" I said.
"Heyy!! " She said glaring at me.
"I will return home now. " Google said walking off.
"What?! Can this one stay!? " Cat said with her eyes wide.
"Why don't you just come with me. " Google said.
".. Not yet.. Just let him stay!! Please!!!!!!! " She yelled.
I put my hands up saying no and when I looked behind me Anti was doing the same thing. Google smirked when he seen us.
"Fine he can stay. " He said.
"UGHHHHHH! " I yelled/ sighed.
"YESSS! " Cat yelled running over to google and hugging him.
"It should of been my choice.. But ok. " Mark said.
"Mhh! Fucking A.. " I heard Anti mumble.
Google then waved goodbye and walked out along with the other googles.
The yellow one plopped down on the couch.
"So what do you do for fun around here?" He asked putting his feet up on the coffee table.
"First off get your feet off the table and no shoes on in the house! " I said annoyed.
"Fine." He said taking his shoes off and throwing them at the front door.
"So is your name yellow cause of your shirt.. I'm not calling you google. " Cat said.
"Ya I guess. " He said taking his phone that was identical to googles out of his pocket.
"Ok then, yellow. When you think of, fun what do you have in mind. " I asked.
"I don't know, we can egg a house or play some games.. Or, something. " He said.
"What about a different type of fun. "Cat said getting on his lap.
"Well I mea-" I cut him off.
"No, not here, how about I get out some games. "
"Sounds cool. " He said.
Cat huffed and got off his lap. I went threw the games finding Mario cart.
"So how old are you exactly. " Fancy asked.
"17." He said.
"Nice nice.. So what is your opinion on sex!"
"Cat!! " I yelled.
She Whimpered and sunk into her seat.
Mark came up to me and helped me find some more two or more player games. He then gripped my dick threw my sweats making me jump, hit my head on the covered I had my head in, and blush. Mark let out a little chuckle and walked back to the couch. I grabbed a few more games like GTA 5, rocket league, and halo. GTA in the ps4 and gave Yellow and Cat the controllers. The two started playing as I headed into the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl and nearly dropped it when I got pushed up against a wall.
By Mark. I glared at him and he pulled my pants down.
"Mark jeez theres people in the living room! " I whisper yelled at him.
He didn't care. He got on his knees and pulled my boxers down. I smirked. He grabbed my dick and started stroking it slowly. I got a Boner pretty quick. He licked my tip and I let out a little hiss and grabbed his hair. I don't think he's ever done this to me.. He took me in his mouth and I was surprised, Mark started bobbing his head on my dick and I pushed him down more letting out quite moans. I heard him gag.
"Ya.. I want to here you gag on me Mark.. " I said.
"Fuck I'm close!.. " I added trying not to moan hella loud.
I was about cum when he pulled off.
"C-come on Mark. " I said pushing my dick against his lips.
He got up and, kissed me, and walked off swaying his hips slightly.
'Are you fucking kidding me!! " I yelled in my head.
I'm pissed now.

Ooo googles upgrade and shit, your back in the house, possibly dating Anti.. Idk yet. And what dark hates the most, is what just happened.
What's he gonna do? Find out in the next chapter byeeee

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